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O110 Epidemiology, risk factors for mortality and fluconazole susceptibility in a population-based surveillance for candidaemia in SpainM. Puig*, J. Garnacho, B. Padilla, R. Zaragoza, J.M. Aguado, M. Montejo, P. Muñoz, B. Almirante on behalf of CANDIPOP Project, GEIH-GEMICOMED (SEIMC and REIPI.) – (2012), Symposia and Oral Presentations. 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, London, United Kingdom, 31 March – 3 April 2012April 2012, 18: 1–113.doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2012.03801.x

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Presentation Number M-312 – Increase of Candidemia due to non- albicans Candida Species in Oncohematological (OH) Patients. – I. Ruiz-Camps, M. Puig, P. Muñoz, M. Fernández-Ruiz, A. Delgado-Iribarren, M. Valerio, JM. Aguado.on behalf of CANDIPOP Project, GEIH-GEMICOMED (SEIMC) and REIPI, Spain. – 52nd ICAAC – 9- 12 September 2012

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Epidemiology and predictive factors for early and late mortality in Candida bloodstream infections: a population-based surveillance in Spain: M. Puig-Asensio1, B. Padilla2,3, J. Garnacho-Montero4, O. Zaragoza5, J. M. Aguado6, R. Zaragoza7, M. Montejo8, P. Mu~noz2,3, I. Ruiz-Camps1, M. Cuenca-Estrella5 and B. Almirante1 on behalf of the CANDIPOP Project* and GEIH-GEMICOMED (SEIMC) and REIPI – Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2013 (CIM) 10.1111/1469-0691.12380

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Molecular Identification and Antifungal Susceptibility of Yeast Isolates Causing Fungemia Collected in a Population-Based Study in Spain in 2010 and 2011- Jesús Guinea, Óscar Zaragoza, Pilar Escribano, Estrella Martín-Mazuelos, Javier Pemán, Ferrán Sánchez-Reus and Manuel Cuenca-Estrella – Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014 Mar; 58(3): 1529–1537. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02155-13

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Initial use of echinocandins does not negatively influence outcome in Candid parapsilosis bloodstream infection: a propensity score analysis – Mario Fernández-Ruiz, José María Aguado, Benito Almirante, David Lora-Pablos, Belén Padilla, Mireia Puig-Asensio, Miguel Montejo, Julio García-Rodríguez, Javier Pemán, Maite Ruiz Pérez de Pipaón, and Manuel Cuenca-Estrella, on behalf of theCANDIPOP Project, GEIH EMICOMED (SEIMC) and REIPI. – Clin Infect Dis. 2014 May;58(10):1413-21. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu158. Epub 2014 Mar 18. DOI:

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Impact of Therapeutic Strategies on the Prognosis of Candidemia in the ICU- Mireia Puig-Asensio, MD; Javier Pemán, MD; Rafael Zaragoza, MD; José Garnacho-Montero, PhD; -Estrella Martín-Mazuelos, MD5, Manuel Cuenca-Estrella, MD6 and Benito Almirante, MD1; on behalf of the Prospective Population Study on Candidemia in Spain (CANDIPOP) Project, Hospital Infection Study Group (GEIH) and Medical Mycology Study Group (GEMICOMED) of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC), and Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases – Critical Care Medicine: – June 2014 – Volume 42 – Issue 6 – p 1423–1432 doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000221

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Peginterferon Alfa-2a plus Ribavirin vs Peginterferon Alfa-2b plus RibavirinforChronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection in HIV-InfectedPatients J BERENGUER, J GONZÁLEZ, J LÓPEZ ALDEGUER, MA VON-WICHMAN, C QUEREDA, F PULIDO, J SANZ, C TURAL, E ORTEGA, J MALLOLAS, I SANTOS, JM BELLÓN AND THE GESIDA IFRB COHORT STUDY GROUP – Poster – 47 InterscienceConferenceonAntimicrobialAgents and Chemotherapy- ICAAC – 2007

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Sustained Virological Response to Interferon plus Ribavirin Reduces Liver-Related Complications and Mortality in HIV/HCV-CoinfectedPatientsJuan Berenguer,1 Julio Álvarez-Pellicer,2 José López-Aldeguer,3 Miguel Angel Von-Wichman,4 Carmen Quereda,5Josep Mallolas,6 José Sanz,7 Cristina Tural,8 José María Bellón,1 Juan González,2 and The GESIDA 3603 Study Group – Oral Presentation – 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection 2008

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Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a Plus Ribavirin vs. Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2b Plus Ribavirin for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C in HIV-Infected Patients. Berenguer, Juan; González, Juan; LópezAldeguer, José; Von Wichmann, Miguel; Quereda, Carmen; Hernando, Ana; Sanz, José; Tural, Cristina; Ortega, Enrique; Mallolas, Josep; Santos, Ignacio; Miralles, Pilar; Montes, Maria Luisa; Bellón, José; Esteban, Herminia and the 36/03 study Group.- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2009 63(6):1256-1263; doi:10.1093/jac/dkp106 – JACS 2009

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Sustained Virological Response to Interferon plus Ribavirin Reduces Liver-Related Complications and Mortality in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients. Juan Berenguer,1 Julio Álvarez-Pellicer,2PilarMiralles Martín,1José López-Aldeguer,3 Miguel Angel Von-Wichman,4 Carmen Quereda,5Josep Mallolas,6 José Sanz,7 Cristina Tural,8 José María Bellón,1 Juan González,2 and The GESIDA 3603 Study Group. – HEPATOLOGY 2009 50 407-413-1

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Effect of Accompanying Antiretroviral Drugs on Virologic Response to PEG-IFN and Ribavirin in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients – Juan Berenguer, Miguel Angel von Wichmann, Carmen Quereda, PilarMiralles, JosépMallolas, José LópezAldeguer, Julio ÁlvarezPellicer, Julio De Miguel, José MaríaBellón, Juan González-García, and GESIDA 36/03 and 50/06 Study Groups Poster # 663 – 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 16-19, 2010

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Sustained Virological Response to Interferon Plus Ribavirin Reduces HIV Progression and Non–Liver-Related Mortality in Patients Coinfected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus. – Juan Berenguer, ManelCrespo, María José Galindo, MaríaJesúsTéllez, Carlos Barros, José MaríaGuardiola, Rafael Rubio, Elena Barquilla, José MaríaBellón, Juan González-García, and Gesida 3603 Study Group – Oral 167 – 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 16-19, 2010

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Clinical Consequences of Achieving End-of-Treatment Response but Not Sustained Virologic Response to Interferon Plus Ribavirin in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients – J Berenguer, J Alvarez-Pellicer, P Miralles, M Crespo, MJ Tellez, I Santos, Rodriguez-Zapata, J Jusdado, G Gaspar, JM Bellón, E Barquilla, J González-Garcia and the GESIDA 3603 Cohort Study Group – 50th ICAAC. Boston. Sep 12-15, 2010. Presentation#: V-1784

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Presentación del proyecto, organización y metodología, así como de los resultados obtenidos en una mesa redonda en el XVIII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología – Valencia 27 al 29 de Octubre de 2010

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Consecuencias Clínicas de la Respuesta al Fin del Tratamiento sin Respuesta Viral Sostenida al Interferón y Ribavirina en Pacientes Coinfectados por VIH y VHC J Berenguer, J Alvarez-Pellicer, T Adamiz, M Crespo, MJ Tellez, I Santos, ML Montes, J Jusdado, G Gaspar, JM Bellón, E Barquilla, J González-Garcia y el Grupo de Estudio de la Cohorte de GESIDA 3603 – Presentación Oral – II Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Madrid 30 nov – 3 dic 2010.

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Efecto de los Fármacos Antirretrovirales Acompañantes en la Respuesta al Tratamiento con Interferón Pegilado y Ribavirina en Pacientes Coinfectados VIH – VHC Juan Berenguer*, Miguel Ángel von Wichmann, Carmen Quereda, Sari Arponen, Josep Mallolas, José López Aldeguer, Julio Álvarez Pellicer, Julio De Miguel, José María Bellón, Juan González-García, y Grupo de Estudio GESIDA 3603 y 5006 – Presentación Poster PO21 – II Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Madrid 30 nov – 3 dic 2010.

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La Respuesta Viral Sostenida al Tratamiento con Interferón y Ribavirina Reduce la Progresión del VIH y la Mortalidad no Relacionada con Hepatopatía en Pacientes Coinfectados por VIH y VCH – Juan González-García *, Elena Rodríguez , Manel Crespo, María José Galindo, María Jesús Téllez, Carlos Barros, José María Guardiola, Rafael Rubio, Elena Barquilla, Herminia Esteban Sari Arponen, T Adamiz, José María Bellón, Juan Berenguer y Grupo de estudio Gesida 3603 – Presentación Poster PO5 – II Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Madrid 30 nov – 3 dic 2010

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Poster Q-133: Liver Stiffness in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients With and Without Sustained Virological Response Following Interferon Plus Ribavirin Juan González-García, Francisco X Zamora, Josep Mallolas, José López-Aldeguer, Cristina Tural , María J Téllez, Federico Pulido, José María Bellón, Herminia Esteban, Juan Berenguer and The GESIDA 3603/5607 StudyGroup.-18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2011). Boston, MA, USA. February 27-March 2, 2011.

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TUPE175Long-term Clinical Outcome in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients with Advanced Liver Fibrosis With and Without Sustained Virological Response Following Interferon Plus Ribavirin – Juan Berenguer,PilarMiralles,ManelCrespo, Miguel Angel Von‐Wichman,María José Galindo, Carlos Barros, Enrique Ortega, Elena Barquilla, José MaríaBellón, Juan Gonzalez‐García, and The GESIDA 3603/5607 Study Group 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011), Rome 17-20 July 2011.

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TUPE185 Biomarkers of fibrosis in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients With and Without Sustained Virological Response Following Interferon Plus Ribavirin- F. Zamora Vargas, J.J. Gonzalez Garcia, M.L. Montes Ramirez,P. Miralles, M. Crespo, M.A. von Wichmann, M.J. Galindo,I. Santos, J.M. Guardiola, J.M. Bellon, H. Esteban y J. Berenguer 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011), Rome 17-20 July 2011.

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Effect of accompanying antiretroviral drugs on virological response to pegylated interferon and ribavirin in patients co-infected with HIV and hepatitis C virus Berenguer J, von Wichmann MA, Quereda C, Miralles P, Mallolas J, López-Aldeguer J, Alvarez-Pellicer J, De Miguel J, Crespo M, Guardiola JM, Tellez MJ, Galindo MJ, Arponen S, Barquilla E, Bellón JM, González-García J; on behalf of the GESIDA 36/03 and 50/06 Study Groups. J AntimicrobChemother. 2011 Dec;66(12):2843-2849. Epub 2011 Sep 29. PMID:21965432

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Pôster Oral – PO18: Efectos a largo plazo sobre morbilidad y mortalidad hepática de larespuesta al tratamientoconinterferón y ribavirinaen pacientes coinfectados por VIH/VHC confibrosis hepática avanzada” Juan Berenguer., Elena Rodríguez, Ana Carrero, Miguel A Von Wichmann, José López-Aldeguer, JosepMallolas, María J Galindo, Manel Crespo, María J Téllez, Carmen Quereda, AntoniJou, José Sanz, Carlos Barros, Ignacio Santos, Federico Pulido, Josep M Guardiol, Enrique Ortega, Rafael Rubio, Juan J Jusdado, María L Montes, Gabriel Gaspar, Elena Barquilla, José M Bellón, Juan González-García, andthe GESIDA HIV/HCV CohortStudyGroup. III CONGRESO NACIONAL GESIDA Sevilla, 8-11 noviembre de 2011. Póster – P-020. INTERFERÓN PEGILADO α2A CON RIBAVIRINA FRENTE A INTERFERÓN PEGILADO α2B CON RIBAVIRINA PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE PACIENTES INFECTADOS POR EL VIH CON HEPATITIS CRÓNICA POR VHC GENOTIPO 1 O 4 T. Aldamiz-EchevarriaLois, J. GonzalezGarcia, E. Rodriguez,M.A. von Wichmann, J. Lopez-Aldeguer4, J. Mallolas5, M.J. Galindo6,M. Crespo7, M.J. Tellez8, C. Quereda9, A. Jou10, J. Sanz, C. Barros,I. Santos, F. Pulido, J.M. Guardiola, E. Ortega, R. Rubio,J.J. Jusdado, M.L. Montes, G. Gaspar, E. Barquilla, J.M. Bellon,L.A. Alvarez-Sala Walther y J. Berenguer III CONGRESO NACIONAL GESIDA Sevilla, 8-11 noviembre de 2011.

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Póster – P-021. MARCADORES SÉRICOS DE FIBROSIS HEPÁTICA EN PACIENTES COINFECTADOS VIH/VHC CON Y SIN RESPUESTA VIRAL SOSTENIDA DESPUÉS DEL TRATAMIENTO CON INTERFERÓN PEGILADO Y RIBAVIRINA F. Zamora Vargas, J.J. GonzalezGarcia, M.L. Montes Ramirez,P. Miralles, M. Crespo3, M.A. von Wichmann, M.J. Galindo,I. Santos, J.M. Guardiola, J.M. Bellon, H. Esteban y J. Berenguer III CONGRESO NACIONAL GESIDA Sevilla, 8-11 noviembre de 2011.

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Poster Oral # 762 – Liver stiffness according to outcome of therapy with interferon plus ribavirin (sustained virologic response, relapse, nonresponse) in patients coinfected with HIV and HCV – Juan Berenguer 1, Manel Crespo2, Francisco Zamora3, Ana Carrero1, Carlos Barros4, Carmen Quereda5, Rafael Rubio6, Herminia Esteban7, José María Bellón1, Juan González3 and The GESIDA 3603 Study Group – Comunicación Oral – 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2012) March 5-8, 2012 Washington

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SustainedVirological Response toInterferon Plus Ribavirin Reduces Non–Liver-RelatedMortality in PatientsCoinfectedWith Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus – Juan Berenguer, Elena Rodríguez, Pilar Miralles, Miguel A Von Wichmann, José López-Aldeguer, Josep Mallolas, María J Galindo, Eva Van Den Eynde, María J Téllez, Carmen Quereda, Antoni Jou, José Sanz, Carlos Barros, Ignacio Santos, Federico Pulido, Josep M Guardiola, Enrique Ortega, Rafael Rubio, Juan J Jusdado, María L Montes, Gabriel Gaspar, Herminia Esteban, José M Bellón, Juan González-García, and the GESIDA HIV/HCV CohortStudyGroup.Clin Infect Dis. (2012) doi: 10.1093/cid/cis500 First published online: May 18, 2012

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CO-03 – Comunicación Oral – Rigidez hepática (RH) en función de la respuesta al tratamiento con interferón y ribavirina (IFN-RBV) en pacientes coinfectados por VIH y VHC: Respuesta viral sostenida (RVS), respuesta al fin de tratamiento con recidiva posterior (REC) y no-respuesta (NR).” – Juan Berenguer ,Manel Crespo, Francisco Zamora, Ana Carrero, Carlos Barros, Carmen Quereda, Rafael Rubio, Herminia Esteban, José María Bellón, Juan González and The GESIDA 3603 StudyGroup – IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida 27-30 noviembre 2012

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Clinical Effects of Viral Relapse after Interferon Plus Ribavirin in Patients coinfected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus. Berenguer J, Alvarez-Pellicer J, Carrero A, Von Wichmann MA, López-Aldeguer J, Mallolas J, Galindo MJ, Van Den Eynde E, Téllez MJ, Quereda C, Tural C, Sanz J, Barros C, Santos I, Pulido F, Guardiola JM, Ortega E, Rubio R, Jusdado JJ, Montes ML, Gaspar G, Barquilla E, Bellón JM, González-García J. The GESIDA HIV/HCV Cohort Study Group Journal of Hepatology 2013 vol. 58 j 1104–1112

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P-102 – Poster Oral – Effect of Detectable HIV-RNA at Baseline on the Response to Treatment WithPegIFNand RBV in Patients Coinfected With HIV and HCV Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, Juan Berenguer, Francisco Zamora, Miguel von Wichmann, ManelCrespo, , MaríaJesúsTéllez, Jose Sanz, Herminia Esteban, José MaríaBellón, Juan González-García, and the GESIDA 3603 and 5006 Study Groups – 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections CROI 2013) –Atlanta, March 3-6 2013

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Presentation # H-1527 – Hepatitis C Eradication Reduces LiverDecompensation, HIV progression, and Death in HIV/HCV-coinfectedPatientswith non-AdvancedLiver Fibrosis J. Berenguer, F. X. Zamora, C. Díez1, M. Crespo, M. A. Von Wichmann, J. López-Aldeguer, M. J. Galindo, I. Santos, H. Esteban, C. Barros, J. J. Jusdado, C. Tural, T. Aldámiz, J. M. Bellón, and J. González-García, forthe GESIDA HIV/HCV CohortStudyGroup – Oral presentation. 53rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC). September 10-13, 2013. Denver, CO, USA.

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Poster – P- 013 – Hepatitis C Eradication Reduces Liver Decompensation, HIV progression, and Death in HIV/HCV-coinfected Patients with non-Advanced Liver Fibrosis: J. Berenguer, F. X. Zamora, C. Díez1, M. Crespo, M. A. Von Wichmann, J. López-Aldeguer, M. J. Galindo, I. Santos, H. Esteban, C. Barros, J. J. Jusdado, C. Tural, T. Aldámiz, J. M. Bellón, and J. González-García, for the GESIDA HIV/HCV Cohort Study Group – V CongresoNacional de GESIDA 19-22 noviembre 2013

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Poster_ P-014 – Effect of Detectable HIV-RNA at Baselineon the Response to Treatment With PegIFN and RBV in Patients Coinfected With HIV and HCV – T. Aldámiz-Echevarría Lois (1), J. BerenguerBerenguer (1), F. Zamora (2), M. Von Wichmann (3), M. Crespo (4), M.J. Telléz (5), J. Sanz (6), H. Esteban (7), J.M. Bellon (8), J. Gonzalez-Garcia (2) and de GESIDA 3603 y 5006 Study Groups. – V CongresoNacional de GESIDA 19-22 noviembre 2013

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Effects of Sustained Viral Response in Patients With HIV and Chronic HepatitisC and Nonadvanced Liver Fibrosis. Berenguer, J, Zamora, FX, Carrero, A, Von Wichmann, MA, Crespo, M, López aldeguer, J, Aldámiz-Echevarría, T, Montes, M, Quereda, C, Téllez, MJ, Galindo, MJ, Sanz, J, Santos, I, Guardiola, JM, Esteban, H, Bellón, JM and González-García, J. – Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2014; 66 (3): 280-287 Volume 66, Number 3, July 1, 2014

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Presentation #: P-640 – FIB-4 Outperforms Liver Biopsy in the Assessment of Prognosis in HIV/HCV Coinfection – Berenguer J, Zamora FX, Carrero A, von Wichmann MA, López-Aldeguer J, Téllez MJ, Sanz J, Esteban H, Bellón JM, González-García J , and the GESIDA3603 Study Group.- CROI 2014 March 3-6, Boston, MA

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Comparison of the Prognostic Value of Liver Biopsy and FIB-4 Index in Patients Coinfected With HIV and Hepatitis C Virus – Juan Berenguer, Francisco X. Zamora, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, Miguel A. Von Wichmann, Manel Crespo, José López-Aldeguer, Ana Carrero, Marisa Montes, Carmen Quereda, María J. Téllez, María J. Galindo, José Sanz, Ignacio Santos, Josep M. Guardiola, Carlos Barros, Enrique Ortega, Federico Pulido, Rafael Rubio, Josep Mallolas, Cristina Tural,Juan J. Jusdado, Gloria Pérez, Cristina Díez, Julio Álvarez-Pellicer, Herminia Esteban, José M. Bellón, and Juan González-García; for the Grupo de Estudio del SIDA (GESIDA) HIV/HCV Cohort Study Group – CID 2015:60 (15 March) • HIV/AIDS

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Association of baseline CD4+ cell count and HIV-RNA on sustained virologic response to interferon-ribavirin in HIV/HCV coinfected patients. – Aldámiz-Echevarría, Teresa; González-García, Juan; Von Wichmann, Miguel A; Crespo, Manel; López-Aldeguer, José; Quereda, Carmen; Téllez, María J; Galindo, María J; Sanz, José; Santos, Ignacio; Guardiola, Josep M; Bellón, José M; Montes, Marisa; Berenguer, Juan – Annals of hepatology –July-August, Vol. 14 No. 4, 2015: 464-469

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Eradication of HCV and Extrahepatic Comorbidities in HIV/HCV CoinfectionJuan Berenguer, Miguel A Von Wichmann, José López-Aldeguer, María J Galindo, Josep Mallolas, Manel Crespo, María J Téllez, Bellón JM, Juan González-García, and the GeSIDA 3603 Study Group – Poster# 611 – Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) Boston | February 22-25, 2016

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Eradication of HCV and Extrahepatic Comorbidities in HIV/HCV Coinfection – Juan Berenguer, Elena Rodríguez-Castellano, Ana Carrero, Miguel A Von Wichmann, Marta Montero, María J Galindo, Josep Mallola6, Manuel Crespo, María J Téllez, Carmen Quereda, José Sanz, Carlos Barros, Cristina Tural, Ignacio Santos, Federico Pulido, Josep M Guardiola, Rafael Rubio, María L Montes, Herminia Esteban, Juan González-García -P227# -VIII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA – 29 noviembre-2 diciembre2016, San Sebastián

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Eradication of Hepatitis C Virus and Non-Liver-Related Non–Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome–Related Events in Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection Juan Berenguer, Elena Rodríguez-Castellano, Ana Carrero, Miguel A. Von Wichmann, Marta Montero, Maria J. Galindo,6 Josep Mallolas,7 Manuel Crespo,8 María J. T_ellez,9 Carmen Quereda,10 Jose Sanz, Carlos Barros, Cristina Tural, Ignacio Santos, Federico Pulido, Josep M. Guardiola, Rafael Rubio, Enrique Ortega, María L. Montes, Juan J. Jusdado, Gabriel Gaspar, Herminia Esteban, Jos_e M. Bellon, and Juan Gonzalez-Garcıa; the GESIDA HIV/HCV Cohort Study Group – HEPATOLOGY, VOL. 66, NO. 2, 201

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Poster 607 – HIV Predicts Failure of LDV/SOF in HCV G1 Treatment-Naïve Non-Cirrhotic Patients Juan Berenguer1, José Luis Calleja2, María Luisa Montes3, Ángela Gil4, Ana Moreno5, Rafael Bañares1, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría1, Agustín Albillos5, María Jesús Téllez6, Antonio Olveira3, Lourdes Domínguez7, Javier García-Samaniego3, Inmaculada Jarrín8, María J Calvo4, Juan González-García. – CROI 2018 Boston

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Poster #: PE15/42 – Lack of Association between Liver Stiffness and Bone Mineral Density in HIV/HCV-coinfected Patients – Ana Carrero, Juan Berenguer, Victor Hontañón, Josep M Guardiola, Manel Crespo, Carmen Quereda, José Sanz, Ignacio Santos, Miguel A Von Wichmann, María J Téllez, David Vinuesa, María J Galindo, Enrique Ortega, José López-Aldeguer, Cristina Díez, José I Bernardino, Herminia Esteban, José M Bellón, Juan González-García and the GeSIDA 3603b study group – 15th European Aids Conference – EACS (October 21-24, 2015 Barcelona)

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Poster – P#27 – Safety and effectiveness of raltegravir and non-raltegravir-based regimens during anti-HCV therapy in HIV/HCV co-infected patients – Ana Carrero, Juan Berenguer, Victor Hontañón, Josep M Guardiola, Manel Crespo, Carmen Quereda, José Sanz, Ignacio Santos, Miguel A Von Wichmann, María J Téllez, David Vinuesa, María J Galindo, Enrique Ortega, José López-Aldeguer, Cristina Díez, Mª Luisa Montes, Herminia Esteban, José M Bellón, Juan González-García. and the GeSIDA 3603b study group. – VII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 1-4 dic 2015, Madrid

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Poster 631 – Eradication of HCV: Effects on Cardiovascular Risk and Preclinical Atherosclerosis. – Ana Carrero1, Juan Berenguer1, Víctor Hontañón2, Jordi Navarro3, José Hernández-Quero4 , María J Galindo5, Carmen Quereda6, Ignacio Santos7 , María J Téllez8, Enrique Ortega9, José Sanz10, Javier Bermejo1, José M Bellón1, Juan González-García2, GeSIDA 3603b Study Group CROI 2018

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PO646 – Medium-Term Effects of DAA Therapy on HVPG in Patients With HCV-associated Cirrhosis Cristina Díez1, Juan Berenguer1, Luis Ibañez1, Elba Llop2, Leire Pérez-Latorre1, María V Catalina1, Víctor Hontañón3, Diego Rincón1, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría1, Javier Martínez4, José M Bellón1, José Luis Calleja2, Agustín Albillos4, Juan González-García3, Rafael Bañares GeSIDA 3603b Study Group CROI 2018 Boston

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Poster 1344 – Effects of Eradication of HCV on Bone Mineral Density in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients – Ana Carrero, Juan Berenguer, Víctor Hontañón, Josep M Guardiola, Jordi Navarro, Miguel A Von Wichmann, María J Téllez6 Carmen Quereda7, Ignacio Santos, José Sanz, María J Galindo, José Hernández-Quero, Juan C López, José M Bellón, Juan González-García and the GeSIDA 3603b Study Group. – CROI Madrid 2019

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Poster 28- Effects of Eradication of HCV on Bone Mineral Densityin HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients. – Ana CARRERO, Juan BERENGUER, Víctor HONTAÑÓN, Josep M GUARDIOLA, Jordi NAVARRO, Miguel A VON WICHMANN, María J TÉLLEZ, Carmen QUEREDA, Ignacio SANTOS, José SANZ, María J GALINDO, José HERNÁNDEZ-QUERO, Luz M MEDRANO, Leire PÉREZ-LATORRE, José M BELLÓN1, Salvador RESINO, Juan GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA and the GeSIDA 3603b Study Group. – XI Congreso Nacional de Gesida Toledo 10-13 diciembre 2019

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Effects of Eradication of HCV on Cardiovascular Risk and Preclinical Atherosclerosis in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients – Ana Carrero, MD,a,b Juan Berenguer, MD, PhD,a,b Víctor Hontañón, MD,c,d Jordi Navarro, MD,e,f José Hernández-Quero, MD, PhD,g María J. Galindo, MD, PhD,h Carmen Quereda, MD, PhD,i Ignacio Santos, MD, PhD,j María J. Téllez, MD, PhD,k Enrique Ortega, MD, PhD,l José Sanz, MD, PhD,m Luz M. Medrano, MD, PhD,n Leire Pérez-Latorre, MD, PhD,a,b José M. Bellón, BSc,a,b Salvador Resino, PhD,n Javier Bermejo, MD, PhD,a,b,o,p and Juan González-García, MD, PhD,c,d GeSIDA 3603b Study Group – J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2020;83:292–300

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Mild profile improvement of immune biomarkers in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients who removed hepatitis C after HCVtreatment: A prospective study Pilar Garcia-Broncano, Luz Maria Medrano, Juan Berenguer, Oscar Brochado-Kith, Juan González-García, Ma Ángeles Jiménez-Sousa, Carmen Quereda, José Sanz, María Jesús Téllez, Laura Díaz, José Luis Jiménez, Salvador Resinoa, the GESIDA 3603b Study Group Journal of Infection 80 (2020) 99–110

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Effects of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Eradication on Bone Mineral Density in Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ HCV-Coinfected Patients Ana Carrero,1,2 Juan Berenguer,1,2, Víctor Hontañón,3,4 Josep M. Guardiola,5 Jordi Navarro,6, Miguel A. von Wichmann,7 María J. Téllez,8 Carmen Quereda,9 Ignacio Santos,10 José Sanz,11 María J. Galindo,12 José Hernández-Quero,13 María A. Jiménez-Sousa,14 Leire Pérez-Latorre,1,2 José M. Bellón,1,2 Salvador Resino,14 Herminia Esteban,15 Esteban Martínez,16 and Juan González-García,3,4 ; for the Grupo de Estudio del Sida (GESIDA) Clinical Infectious Diseases CID: 2021: 73 (1 October)

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Livercirrhosis in HIV-infectedpatients. Baselinecharacteristics of a large prospective cohort of 9 hospitals in Spain. – JF Pascual, M López-Dieguez, M Montes, C Quereda, MA Von Wichmann, J Berenguer, C Tural, JM Miró, F Pulido, E Ortega, A Arranz, J González-García, JR Arribas and the GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 36465/03 Study Group. –Abstract 11th European Aids Conferences – 2007

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Morbidity and Mortality in HIV infected patients with compensated and decompensated cirrhosis: prospective cohort of 373 patients. – M López-Dieguez, JF Pascual, M Montes, C Quereda, MA Von Wichmann, J Berenguer, C Tural, JM Miró, F Pulido, E Ortega, A Arranz, J González-García, JR Arribas and the GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 36465/03 Study Group – Oral Presentation 11th European Aids Conferences – 2007

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Factors associated with survival and first hepatic decompensation in a large prospective cohort of HIV-HCV co-infected patients with liver cirrhosis. M López-Dieguez*1, M Montes2,C Quereda3, M Von Wichmann4, J Berenguer5, J Pascual2, C Tural6, F Pulido7, H Esteban8, Jose Arribas2, and GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 36465/03 Study Group. –15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection 2008

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Survival Of HIV-HCV Co-infected Patients With Compensated Liver Cirrhosis: Impact Of Hepatitis C Therapy M Montes, J Pascual,, M Lopez-Dieguez, C Tural, C Quereda, E Ortega, A Arranz, M Von Wichmann, E Barquilla, J Arribas, and GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 36680/07 Study Group. Oral Presentation (Q128 , paper 106) at 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection 2009.

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Survival Of HIV-HCV Co-infected Patients With Compensated Liver Cirrhosis: Impact Of Hepatitis C Therapy M Montes, J Pascual,, M Lopez-Dieguez, C Tural, C Quereda, E Ortega, A Arranz, M Von Wichmann, E Barquilla, J Arribas, and GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 36680/07 Study Group. Presentación Oral – I Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Madrid 21-24 octubre 2009

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The natural history of liver cirrhosis in HIV-HCV coinfected patients. López-Diéguez M, Montes M, Pascual-Pareja J, Quereda C, Von Wichmann M, Berenguer J, Tural C, Hernando A, González-García J, Serrano L, Arribas J; and GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 36465/03-NEAT IG5 Study Group. – AIDS. 2011 Feb 16.[Epub ahead of print]

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Poster- P-019. INCIDENCE OF HEPATOCARCINOMA IN HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS WITH LIVER CIRRHOSIS: A 6 YEAR PROSPECTIVE COHORT M.L. Montes Ramirez, J.M. Miro, C. Quereda, C. Tural, M.A. von Wichmann, J. Berenguer, J. Gonzalez-Garcia, A. Hernando, E. Ortega, A. Arranz and J.R. Arriba. III CONGRESO NACIONAL GESIDA Sevilla, 8-11 noviembre de 2011.

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Póster Oral -PO-16. EVALUATION FOR LIVER TRANSPLANTATION (OLT) IN HIV-INFECTED CIRRHOTIC PATIENTS WITH END-STAGE LIVER DISEASE (ESLD): A 2009 GESIDA/FIPSE SURVEY M.L. Montes Ramirez, J.M. Miro, M. Lopez-Dieguez, F.X. Zamora Vargas, C. Quereda, C. Tural, M.A. von Wichmann, J. Berenguer, F. Pulido, E. Ortega, A. Arranz and J. Gonzalez-Garcia III CONGRESO NACIONAL GESIDA Sevilla, 8-11 noviembre de 2011.

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PO- 12 – Poster Oral- Utilidad de la elastografia transitoria en el seguimiento de pacientes cirróticos con infección por vih – M.L. Montes Ramirez, C. Quereda, C. Tural, J.M. Miró, M.A. Von Wichmann, F.X. Zamora Vargas, J. Berenguer, E. Ortega, A. Hernando, J. Sanz, J.J. González-Garcia Grupo de estudio de GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 364665/03. – IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida -27-30 noviembre 2012

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P174 – Prognostic Utility of Transient Elastography In HIV-Infected Patients With Liver Cirrhosis – ML Montes1, M Von Wichmann2 , JM Miró3, C Quereda4, C Tural5, E Ortega6, J Berenguer7, J Sanz8, A Hernando9, Jose Arribas1, and GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 36680/07 Study Group. – 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections CROI 2013) –Atlanta, March 3-6 2013

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Poster P-010 – Prognostic Utility of Transient Elastography In HIV-Infected Patients With Liver Cirrhosis – ML Montes, M Von Wichmann , JM Miró, C Quereda, C Tural, E Ortega, J Berenguer, J Sanz, A Hernando, Jose Arribas, and GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 36680/07 Study Group.- V Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 19-22 noviembre 2013

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Presentación Oral – HISTORIA NATURAL DE LA CIRROSIS HEPÁTICA EN PACIENTES COINFECTADOS POR VIH/VHC EN LA ERA TAR TRAS 8 AÑOS DE SEGUIMIENTO Mª Luisa Montes Ramírez1, Miguel Angel Von Wichmann2, Carmen Quereda3, Jose Mª Miró4, Juan Berenguer5, Mª Asunción Hernando6, Jose Sanz7, Enrique Ortega8, Cristina Tural9, Juan González García1 Grupo de estudio de GESIDA 37/03-FIPSE 364665/03. – VI Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 25-28 nov 2014

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Transient Elastography for Predicting Liver-Related Events in Cirrhotic. – HIV-Infected Patients. – Montes ML, Berenguer J, Miró JM, Quereda C, Hernando A, et al. (2017) – J AIDS Clin Res 8: 675. doi: 10.4172/2155-6113.1000675

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Trasplante hepático (TH) en pacientes infectados por el VIH: análisis de 21 casos en la era del tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA). (2002-2004). Miro JM, Rufí G, Bárcena R, Vargas V, Valdivieso A, Rimola A, Bañares R, Fabregat J, de Vicente E, Margarit C, Montejo M, Moreno A, Miralles P, Xiol X, Fortún J, Pahissa A, Aguirrebengoa K, Laguno M, Salcedo M y Grupo de Trabajo de TH en VIH. XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC). Bilbao, 16-19 de Mayo del 2004. Abstract # 509. (Premio a la mejor comunicación). Publicado en EnfermInfeccMicrobiolClin. 2004; 22 (Suppl. 1): 180. Orthotopic Liver Transplantation In Hiv-1-Infected Patients In Spain: A Prospective Cohort Study Of 50 Cases. Miró JM, Montejo M, Vargas V, Rimola A, Rafecas A, Miralles P, Fortún J, Blanes M, Torre-Cisneros J, Pons J, And The Spanish Olt In Hiv-Infected Patients Study Group. 13h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Denver, Co, Usa. February 5-8, 2006. Abstract # 875. Treatment Of Spanish Hiv-Infected Patients With Recurrent Hepatitis C Virus (Hcv) After Liver Transplantation (Olt) With Pegylated Interferon (Peg-Inf) Plus Ribavirin (Rbv): Preliminary Results Of The Fipse Olt-Hiv-05 – Gesida 45-05 Cohort Study (2002-06). Miró JM, Montejo M, Castells L, Rimola A, Rafecas A, Miralles P, Fortún J, Blanes M, De La Mata M, Pons JA and The Spanish Olt In Hiv-Infected Patients Working Group. 14h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Los Angeles, Ca, Usa. February 25-28, 2007. Abstract # 890.Poster.

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3-year Survival of HCV-HIV Coinfected Liver Transplant Recipients (OLT) is Similar to that of HCV Monoinfected Recipients. Miró JM, Montejo M, Castells L, Rafecas A, Miralles P, Fortún J, Blanes M, De La Mata M, Pons JA, Moreno A, de la Rosa G, de Lazzari E, Rimola A, and the Spanish OLT in HIV-Infected Patients Working Group. 47th Intersciente Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.Chicago, IL, Usa. September 17-20, 2007. Abstract # H1732. Poster.

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Tratamiento de la recidiva de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) post-trasplante hepático (TH) con interferonpegilado (PEG-IFN) y ribavirina (RBV) en los pacientes VIH: resultados preliminares del estudio de cohorte FIPSE OLT-HIV-05-GESIDA (2002-2007). L. Castells, M. Montero, I. Bilbao, A. Rafecas, A. Rimola, J. Fortún, P. Miralles, M. Blanes, M. De La Mata, JA. Pons, JM, Miró y todo el Grupo Español de TH en pacientes VIH. XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Trasplante Hepático. Valladolid, 17-19 de Octubre del 2007. Premio a la mejorcomunicación. Prognostic Factors of Mortality in HCV/HIV-co-infected Liver Transplant Recipients: The FIPSE OLT-HIV-05 – GESIDA 45-05 Cohort Study. José Miró, M Montejo, L Castells, A Rafecas, P Miralles, J Fortún, M Blanes, M De La Mata, F Torres, A Rimola, And The Spanish OLT in HIV-Infected Patients Working Group. 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.Boston, MA, Usa. February 3-6, 2008. Abstract # 1062.Poster.

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Results of the Spanish experience in HIV-infected patients treated with Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: A prospective cohort of 89 cases (2002-2006). MikelGastaca, Miguel Montejo, Lluis Castells, Antonio Rafecas, Antonio Rimola, Rafael Barcena, Federico Pulido, Magdalena Salcedo, Martin Prieto, Manuel de la Mata, Jose R Fernandez, Jose M Miro, and the Spanish OLT in HIV-infected Patients Working Group. American TransplantCongress. May 31–June 4, 2008. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Abstract # 61. Oral.

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Resultados de la cohorte Española de trasplante Hepático en pacientes VIH (+): Análisis de los 116 casos en la era TARGA. Estudio FIPSE OLT-HIV-05-GESIDA (2002-2007). L. Castells, JR. Fernández, JC, Meneu, I. Bilbao, A. Rafecas, A. Rimola, R. Bárcena, M. Salcedo, M. Blanes, M. De la Mata, J. Pons, JM. Miró y Grupo Español de TH en pacientes VIH. XX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Trasplante Hepático, Oviedo, 8-10 Octubre del 2008. Supervivencia Post-Trasplante Hepático en Pacientes con Co-Infección VIH-VHC. Resultados Preliminares de un Estudio multicéntrico español de Casos y Controles. De la Torre J, Rimola A, Montejo M, Castells L, Meneu JC, Rafecas A, Blanes M, Fortún J, Miralles P, Lozano R, Cordero ME, Jiménez M, Moreno A, de la Rosa G, Pérez I, Miró JM, y el Grupo de Estudio de TOH en VIH. X Congreso de la Asociación Andaluza de Enfermedades Infecciosas. 11-13 Diciembre, 2008. Granada. Poster.

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5-year Survival of HCV-HIV Coinfected Liver Transplant Recipients (OLT): A Case-Control Study. Jose M. Miro, Miguel Montejo, Lluis Castells, Juan C. Meneu, Antonio Rafecas, Marino Blanes, JesúsFortún, Gloria De La Rosa, Iñaki Perez, Antonio Rimola, And The Spanish Olt In Hiv-Infected Patients Working Group. 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. February 8-11, 2009. Montreal, Canada. Abstract # Q-190. Poster.

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SUPERVIVENCIA POST-TRASPLANTE HEPÁTICO EN PACIENTES CON CO-INFECCIÓN VIH-VHC. RESULTADOS PRELIMINARES DE UN ESTUDIO MULTICÉNTRICO ESPAÑOL DE CASOS Y CONTROLES. RimolaAa, Montejo Mb, CastellsLc,MeneuJCd, RafecasAe, Blanes Mf, FortúnJg, Miralles Ph, de la Torre Ji, Lozano Ri, Moreno Aa, de la Rosa Gj, Pérez Ia, Miró JMa, y el Grupo de Estudio de TOH en VIH. CongresoAsociación Española de Hepatología 2009.

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Epidemiology and Outcome of Infections in 84 Spanish HCV/HIV-Coinfected Liver Transplant Recipients: A FIPSE/GESIDA Prospective Cohort Study. A. Moreno*, J. Fortun, M. Blanes, C. Cervera, E. Montejo, J.C. Meneu, O. Len, A. Rafecas, P. Martin-Davila, J. Torre-Cisneros, M. Salcedo, R. Lozano, J.D. Pedreira, I. Perez, A. Rimola, JM Miro and the OLT-HIV FIPSE Cohort Investigators, Spain. 49th Intersciente Conference on Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA, Usa. September 12-15, 2009. Abstract # K-974.Poster.

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5-year Survival of HCV-HIV Coinfected Liver Transplant Recipients (OLT): A Case-Control Study. Jose M. Miro*1, Miguel Montejo2, Lluis Castells3, Juan C. Meneu4, Antonio Rafecas5, Marino Blanes6, Jesús Fortún7, Gloria de la Rosa8,Iñaki Perez1, Antonio Rimola1, and theSpanish OLT in HIV-InfectedPatientsWorkingGroup – Presentación Oral I Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Madrid 21-24 octubre 2009

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Poster 687: Short-term plasma HIV-1 RNA viral load and immunological changes following transitory discontinuation of HAART after liver transplantation (OLT) in HIV-1–infected recipients José M. Miró, Juan González, PilarMiralles, Miguel Montejo, Juan C. Meneu, Antonio Rafecas, Montserrat Tuset, Elisa Cordero, Iñaki Pérez, Antonio Rimola, and the GESIDA/FIPSE OLT in HIV-Infected Patients Investigators. 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2010) to be held February 16-19, 2010

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Short-term plasma HIV-1 RNA viral load and immunological changes following transitory discontinuation of HAART after liver transplantation (OLT) in HIV-1–infected recipients. José M. Miró, Juan González, PilarMiralles,Miguel Montejo, Juan C. Meneu, Antonio Rafecas, Montserrat Tuset, Elisa Cordero, Iñaki Pérez, Antonio Rimola, and the GESIDA/FIPSE OLT in HIV-Infected Patients Investigators. II Congreso Nacional de GESIDA. 30 Noviembre – 3 Diciembre, 2010. Madrid. Póster P-025.

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Poster Q-188: TreatmentwithPegylatedInterferon (PEG-INF) plus Ribavirin (RBV) of 67 HIV-infectedPatientswithRecurrent Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) InfectionafterLiverTransplantation (OLT): Results of the FIPSE OLT-HIV-CohortStudy (2002-08). – José M. Miró, LluisCastells, Andrés Valdivieso, Julián Torre-Cisneros, Manuel Abradelo, José R. Fernández, Rafael Barcena, Montserrat Laguno, Iñaki Pérez, Antonio Rimola, and theSpanish OLT in HIV-InfectedPatientsWorkingGroup.- 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2011). Boston, MA, USA. February 27-March 2, 2011.

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Poster 225-I: Retransplantation in HIV−Infected Patients after Liver Transplantation: A Prospective Cohort Study. Mikel Gastaca, Fernando Agüero, Miguel Montejo, Antoni Rimola, Pilar Miralles, Ricardo Lozano, LluisCastells,Manuel Abradelo, Manuel de la Mata, Marino Blanes, Elisa Cordero, Christian Manzardo, Javier Bustamente, Gloria de la Rosa, José Mª Miró, and FIPSE OLT-HIV investigators. 2011 American TransplantCongress (ATC). Philadelphia, PA, USA. 30 Abril – 4 Mayo, 2011.

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Comunicación Oral – OR-03: Treatment with Pegylated Interferon (PEG-INF) plus Ribavirin (RBV) of 67 HIV-infected Patients with Recurrent Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection after Liver Transplantation (OLT): Results of the FIPSE OLT-HIV-Cohort Study (2002-08) J. M. Miro, L. Castells, A. Valldivieso, J. Torre-Cisneros, M. Abradelo, J. R. Fernández, R. Barcena, M. Laguno, I. Pérez, C. Manzardo, A. Rimola, -. Spanish OltInHiv-Infected Patients Working Group. III CONGRESO NACIONAL GESIDA Sevilla, 8-11 noviembre de 2011. RETRANSPLANTATION IN HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS AFTER LIVER TRANSPLANTATION: A PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY M. Gastaca, F. Agüero, M. Montejo, A. Rimola, P. Miralles, R. Lozano, L. Castells, M. Abradelo, M. de la Mata, M. Blanes, E. Cordero, C. Manzardo, J. Bustamante, G. de la Rosa, JM. Miro and the FIPSE OLT-HIV Investigators. (The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases) AASL – The Liver Meeting® 2011(Boston, November) Epidemiology and outcome of infections in HIV/HCV-coinfected liver transplant recipients: A FIPSE/GESIDA prospective cohort study. Moreno A, Cervera C, Fortún J, Blanes M, Montejo E, Abradelo M, Len O, Rafecas A, Martín-Davila P, Torre-Cisneros J, Salcedo M, Cordero E, Lozano R, Pérez I, Rimola A, Miró JM; the OLT-HIV FIPSE Cohort Investigators. – LIVER TRANSPLANTATION Vol. 18, No. 1, 2012

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Carta al Editor del Liver Transplantation – LT-23378 – LIVER TRANSPLANTATION 18:378-379, 2012

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Outcome of HCV/HIV-CoinfectedLiverTransplantRecipients: A Prospective and MulticenterCohortStudy – Miro, JoseMaria; Montejo, Miguel; Castells, Lluis; Rafecas, Antonio; Moreno, Santiago; Agüero, Fernando; Abradelo, Manuel; Miralles, Pilar; Torre-Cisneros, Julián; Pedreira, Jose D.; Cordero, Elisa; de la Rosa, Gloria; Moyano, Beatriz; Moreno, Asuncion; Perez, Iñaki; Rimola, Antonio – American Journal of Transplantationdoi: 10.1111/j.1600-6143.2012.04028.x

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Incidencia y características clínicas del aclaramiento espontáneo de la infección por virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) después del trasplante hepático (TH) en pacientes coinfectados por el VIH y el VHC de la cohorte FIPSE TH-VIH (2002-11);J. M. Miro , C. Manzardo, A. Moreno , E. Cordero , S. Del Campo, S. Naggie , C. Brander, I. García-Merino , A. Rimola y los Investigadores FIPSE TOH-VIH. – Congreso de SEIMC 2012

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PO-44 – Poster Oral – Incidencia y características clínicas del aclaramiento espontáneo de la infección por virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) después del trasplante hepático (TH) en pacientes coinfectados por el VIH y el VHC de la cohorte FIPSE TH-VIH (2002-11) – J. M. Miro, C. Manzardo, A. Moreno, E. Cordero, S. Del Campo, S. Naggie, C. Brander, I. García-Maerino, A. Moreno, A. Rimola, Investigadores de la Cohorte Fipse TOH-VIH – – IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida 27-30 noviembre 2012

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LiverRetransplantation in HIV-InfectedPatient: A ProspectiveCohortStudy – M. Gastaca, F. Aguero, A. Rimola, M. Montejo, P. Miralles, R. Lozano, L. Castells, M. Abradelo, M. de la Mata, F. San Juan RodrÍguez, E. Cordero, S. del Campo, C. Manzardo, J. O. de Urbina, I. Pérez, G. de la Rosa, J. M. Miro,* and the FIPSE OLT-HIV investigatorsAmerican Journal of Transplantation2012; 12: 2465–2476

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P- 141 – Póster- Liver Retransplantation in HIV-Infected Patients: A Multicenter and Multinational Cohort Study J.M. Miro*, F. Agüero, P. Stock, P. Grossi, J.K. Rockstroh, K. Agarwal, C. Garzoni, L.A. Barcan, F. Maltez, A. Rimola, and the FIPSE/NIH HIVTR/NEAT023 Investigators – 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections CROI 2013) –Atlanta, March 3-6 2013

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P-011. Treatment with Pegylated Interferon (PegINF) plus Ribavirin (RBV) of HIV-infected Patients with Recurrent Hepatitis C Virus Infection after Liver Transplantation (LT ): A Prospective Cohort Study L. Castells, A. Rimola2, C. Manzardo, A. Valdivieso, J.L. Montero, R. Barcena, M. Abradelo, X. Xiol, V. Aguilera, M. Salcedo,M. Rodríguez, C. Barnal, F. Suárez, S. del Campo, J.M. Miró and Investigadores Cohorte FIPSE TOH-VIH13 – V Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 19-22 noviembre 2013

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Poster – P648 – Outcome of 215 HCV/HIV-Coinfected Liver Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Multicenter Study – Jose M. Miro, Miguel Montejo, Marino Blanes, Manuel abradelo, Santos del Campo, Lluis Castells, Antoni Rafecas, Christian Manzardo, Iñaki Perez, Antoni Rimola, and FIPSE Investigators – CROI 2014 March 3-6, Boston, MA

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Pegylated Interferon Plus Ribavirin in HIV-infected Patients With Recurrent Hepatitis C After Liver Transplantation: A Prospective Cohort Study. Castells L, Rimola A, Manzardo C, Valdivieso A, Luis Montero J, Barcena R, Abradelo M, Xiol X, Aguilera V, Salcedo M, Rodriguez M, Bernal C, Suarez F, Antela A, Olivares S, Del Campo S, Laguno M, Fernandez JR, de la Rosa G, Agüero F, Perez I, Gonzalez J, Esteban-Mur J, Miro JM; the FIPSE LT-HIV investigators. – J Hepatol. 2015 Jan;62 (1):92-100. doi: 10.1016 /j.jhep.2014.07.034. Epub 2014 Aug 13. PubMed PMID: 25127748.

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Outcome of 215 HCV/HIV-Coinfected Liver Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Multicenter Study J.M. Miro, M. Montejo, M. Blanes, M. Abradelo, S. Del Campo, L. Castells, A. Rafecas, C. Manzardo, I. Perez, F.Aguero, A. Rimola, G. Investigadores Cohorte Fipse Toh Vih – Comunicación Oral VI Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2014

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Outcome and management of HCV/HIV coinfection pre- and post-liver transplantation Miro JM, Stock P, Teicher E, Duclos-Vallée JC, Terrault N, Rimola A. A 2015 update. J Hepatol. 2015 Mar;62(3):701-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.10.032. Epub 2014 Oct 30. Review. PubMed PMID: 25450714.

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Poster P 0026 – The HIV Infection Does Not Have Impact On Survival And Tumor Recurrence In Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Treated By Liver Transplantation – 50 th International Liver Congress 22- 26 april 2015 in Vienna

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Liver Retransplantation in Patients With HIV-1 Infection: An International Multicenter Cohort Study. – Agüero F, Rimola A, Stock P, Grossi P, Rockstroh JK, Agarwal K, Garzoni C, Barcan LA, Maltez F, Manzardo C, Mari M, Ragni MV, Anadol E, Di Benedetto F, Nishida S, Gastaca M, Miró JM; FIPSE/NIH HIVTR/NEAT023 Investigators. Am J Transplant. 2015 Sep 28. doi: 10.1111/ajt.13461. – Am J Transplant. 2016; 16: 679–687.

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P-0524: Outcome of HIV-infected liver transplant recipients with incidental hepatocellular carcinoma: A prospective multicenter nationwide cohort study (2002-2014) Agüero F1, Forner A2, Manzardo C1, Valdivieso A3, Blanes M4, Barcena R5, Rafecas A6, Castells L7, Rimola A8, Miro JM1, and FIPSE researchers – ECCMID 2015 (Copenhagen from 25 – 28 April 2015).

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P-016- Hiv Infection Does Not Worsen Prognosis Of Liver Transplantation In Hepatocellular Carcinoma – Alejandro Forner, Fernando Agüero, Christian Manzardo, Andrés Valdivieso, Mariano Blanes, Rafael Barcena, Antoni Rafecas, Lluis Castells, Antoni Rimola, Jose María Miró – International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA) September 2015

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C0-09 Neoplasias de novo en receptores de trasplante hepático infectados por VIH – Fernando Agüero, José Ignacio Herrero, Christian Manzardo, Andrés Valdivieso, Manuel Abradelo, María Salcedo, Santos Del Campo, Asunción Moreno, Antoni Rimola, José María Miro y el grupo de trabajo español de TH En pacientes infectados por VIH – VII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 1-4 dic 2015, Madrid

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P-034: Outcome of HIV-infected liver transplant recipients with incidental hepatocellular carcinoma: A prospective multicenter nationwide cohort study (2002-2014) – Agüero F, Forner A, Manzardo C, Valdivieso A, Blanes M4, Barcena R, Rafecas A, Castells L, Rimola A, Miro JM, and FIPSE researchers. – VII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 1-4 dic 2015, Madrid

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Human immunodeficiency virus infection does not worsen prognosis of liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma.- Agüero F, Forner A, Manzardo C, Valdivieso A, Blanes M, Barcena R, Rafecas A, Castells L, Abradelo M, Torre-Cisneros J, Gonzalez-Dieguez L, Salcedo M, Serrano T, Jimenez-Perez M, Herrero JI, Gastaca M, Aguilera V, Fabregat J, Del Campo S, Bilbao I, Romero CJ, Moreno A, Rimola A, Miro JM; FIPSE Investigators. – Hepatology. 2016 Feb;63(2):488-98. doi: 10.1002/hep.28321. Epub 2016 Jan 4.

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Liver transplantation in HIV/HBV coinfected patients: a cohort study Manzardo C, Agüero F, Montejo M, Blanes M, Abradelo M, del CampoS, Castells L, Rafecas A,7 Rimola A, Miro JM, and the Spanish OLT in HIV-Infected Patients Working Group. – Abstract# 571 – Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) Boston | February 22-25, 2016

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Incidence and Risk Factors of Acute Rejection in HIV+ Liver Transplant Recipients Manzardo C1, Aguero F, Rafecas A, Fortún J, Blanes M, Salcedo M, Bilbao I, Moreno A, Rimola A, Miro JM and FIPSE OLT-HIV Investigators. – Abstract# 571 – Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) Boston | February 22-25, 2016

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Trasplante hepático en pacientes coinfectados por VIH / VHB: estudio de cohorte prospectivo 2002ı2016) Manzardo C, Agüero F, Montejo M, Blanes M, Abradelo M, del Campo, Castells L, Rafecas A, Rimola A, Miro JM, – Cohorte FIPSE de TOH-VIH – CO-06 (Comunicación Oral) – VIII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA – 29 noviembre-2 diciembre 2016, San Sebastián.

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Poster 540 – IFN-FREE THERAPY IS EFFECTIVE AND SAFE FOR HCV RECURRENCE IN LT HCV/HIV CO-INFECTION – C. Manzardo1, M.C. Londoño1, S. del Campo2, L. Castells3, V. Aguilera4, J.R. Fernández5, J. Calvo-Pulido6, J. Peñafiel1, A. Rimola1, J.M. Miro1, FIPSE Investigators – CROI 2017 Seattle | February 13-16, 2017

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Poster 541 – Risk factors of acute organ rejection after liver transplantation in HIV+/HCV+ patients. -Christian Manzardo1, Sandra Silva Arrieta2, Antonio Rafecas3, Sandra Franco2, Santos del Campo4, Elisa Cordero5, Miguel Angel Martínez 2, Judit Peñafiel1, Antonio Rimola1, Christian Brander2,6, Jose M. Miro1 and the FIPSE Investigators – CROI 2017 Seattle | February 13-16, 2017

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Poster 33 – INTERFERON-FREE THERAPY IS EFFECTIVE AND SAFE IN HCV/HIV-COINFECTED LIVER TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS: A NATIONWIDE COHORT STUDY.- C. Manzardo1, M.C. Londono1, L. Castells2, M. Testillano3, J.L. Montero4, J. Penafiel1, A. Moreno5, V. Aguilera6, M.L. Gonzalez-Dieguez7, J. Calvo-Pulido8, X. Xiol9, M. Salcedo10, V. Cuervas-Mons11, J.M. Sousa12, F. Suarez13, T. Serrano14, J.I. Herrero15, M. Jimenez16, C. Gimenez8, S. del Campo5, A. Moreno1, G. de la Rosa17, A. Rimola1, J.M. Miro1 and Grupo de Estudio Cohorte FIPSE de TOH en VIH18. – IX Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Vigo 28 noviembre – 1 diciembre 2017

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Poster 042 – RISK FACTORS OF ACUTE REJECTION AFTER LIVER TRANSPLANTATION IN HIV/HCV COINFECTED PATIENTS. – C. Manzardo1, S. Silva Arrieta2, A. Rafecas3, S. Franco2, S. del Campo4, E. Cordero5, J. Penafiel1, A. Rimola1, C. Brander2, J.M. Miro1 and Grupo de Estudio Cohorte FIPSE de TOH en VIH6. IX Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Vigo 28 noviembre – 1 diciembre 2017

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Poster SO-20FACTORES DE RIESGO DE DESARROLLO DE FIBROSIS GRAVE DEL INJERTO EN RECEPTORES DE TRASPLANTE HEPÁTICO COINFECTADOS VIH/VHC – Christian Manzardo, Sandra Silva Arrieta, Salvador Resino, Antonio Rafecas, Sandra Franco, Santos Del Campo, Elisa Cordero, Lluis Castells, M Ángeles Muñoz-Fernández, Judith Peñafiel, Miguel Ángel Martínez, Antoni Rimola, Christian Brander, Jose M. Miro* Investigadores de la Cohorte FIPSE TH-VIH- Bilbao 2018 XXII Congreso nacional de SEIMC

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Direct‐acting antivirals are effective and safe in HCV/HIV‐coinfected liver transplant recipients who experience recurrence of hepatitis C: A prospective nationwide cohort study. – Christian Manzardo1| Maria C. Londoño1| LLuís Castells2,3| Milagros Testillano4| José Luis Montero2,5| Judit Peñafiel1| Marta Subirana1| Ana Moreno6| Victoria Aguilera7| María Luisa González‐Diéguez8| Jorge Calvo‐Pulido9| Xavier Xiol10| Magdalena Salcedo11| Valentin Cuervas‐Mons12| José Manuel Sousa13| Francisco Suarez14| Trinidad Serrano2,15| Jose Ignacio Herrero2,16| Miguel Jiménez17| José R. Fernandez4| Carlos Giménez9| Santos del Campo6| Juan I. Esteban‐Mur2,3| Gonzalo Crespo1,2| Asunción Moreno1| Gloria de la Rosa18| Antoni Rimola1,2| Jose M. Miro1 and the FIPSE LT‐HIV investigators- Am J Transplant. 2018;18:2513–2522.

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Presentación Oral – HIV-positive Donor to Positive Recipient Liver Transplantation: A Nationwide Survey Transplantation complete but viruses lurking Christian Manzardo, Marta Subirana, David Paredes, Asunción Moreno, Constantino Fondevila, Antonio Rimola, Beatriz Mahillo1, Gloria de la Rosa1, Jose M. Miro on behalf of the FIPSE-ONT-GESIDA Investigators. – Amsterdam – April 14th, 2019 ECCMID.

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Presentación Oral 189 – HIV-positive Donor to Positive Recipient Renal Transplantation (RT): A Nationwide Survey – – JM Miro et Al. – XII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Málaga 29 noviembre – 2 diciembre 2021

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Comunicación Oral – O-07 HCV treatment with Peg-IFN+Ribavirin in patients receiving Lopinavir/r as monotherapy or in triple therapy. PEKARI Study (GESIDA5506) interim analysis – E Ortega, M Montes, L Ortiz Ramirez de Arellano, P Domingo, F Pulido, C Minguez, J sanz, I de los Santos, M Cotarelo, J Gonzalez-Garcia – Seventh International Workshop on HIV and Hepatitis Co-Infection (Milan Italy 1-3 june 2011)

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Poster_PE13/33 – Treatment of HCV WithPegylatedInterferon+Ribavirin (PegRB) in CoinfectedPatientsReceivingLopinavir/r as Monotherapy (LPV/r-MT) or Triple Therapy (LPV/r-T): Final Analysis of the PEKARI Study (GESIDA 5506) E. Ortega-Gonzalez, J. González, M.L. Montes, F. Pulido, P. Domingo, C. Minguez,I. De los Santos, J. Sanz, J. Berenguer, C. Quereda, J. Lacruz, M. von Wichmann,J. Garcia, J. Portilla, C. Tural, H. Esteban – 14th European AIDS Conference/EACS – October 2013

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Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a Plus Ribavirin vs. Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2b Plus Ribavirin for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C in HIV-Infected Patients. Berenguer, Juan; González, Juan; LópezAldeguer, José; Von Wichmann, Miguel; Quereda, Carmen; Hernando, Ana; Sanz, José; Tural, Cristina; Ortega, Enrique; Mallolas, Josep; Santos, Ignacio; Miralles, Pilar; Montes, Maria Luisa; Bellón, José; Esteban, Herminia and the 36/03 study Group.- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2009 63(6):1256-1263; doi:10.1093/jac/dkp106 – JACS 2009

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Sustained Virological Response to Interferon plus Ribavirin Reduces Liver-Related Complications and Mortality in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients. Juan Berenguer,1 Julio Álvarez-Pellicer,2PilarMiralles Martín,1José López-Aldeguer,3 Miguel Angel Von-Wichman,4 Carmen Quereda,5Josep Mallolas,6 José Sanz,7 Cristina Tural,8 José María Bellón,1 Juan González,2 and The GESIDA 3603 Study Group. – HEPATOLOGY 2009 50 407-413-1

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P- 121 –Poster- Infección por VHB y vacunación frente a VHB y VHA en pacientes con infección por VIH en España. Estudio Gesida 57/07 – J. González-García , C. Navarro San Francisco, E. Condes, C. Díez Romero , C. Quereda Rodríguez-Navarro, F. Zamora Vargas, P. Miralles Martin, A. Moreno, M. L. Montes Ramírez , M. A. Von Wichmann, E. Ortega, J. M. Guardiola, I. Santos, V. Boix, S. Lopez Calvo, F. Pulido Ortega , R. Rubio, E. Barquilla, J. Berenguer, Grupo De Estudio Gesida 57/07 – IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida 27-30 noviembre 2012

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PO-41 – Poster Oral – Evolución de la prevalencia de la coinfección por VHC, características de la hepatopatía y tratamiento específico en pacientes infectados por VIH en España. Estudio Gesida 57/07 J. González-García (1), C. Navarro San Francisco, E. Condes, C. Díez Romero, C. Quereda Rodríguez-Navarro, F. Zamora Vargas, P. Miralles Martin, A. Moreno, M.L. Montes Ramírez, M.A. Von Wichmann, E. Ortega, J.M. Guardiola, I. Santos, V. Boix, S. Lopez Calvo, F. Pulido Ortega, R. Rubio, E. Barquilla, J. Berenguer, Grupo de Estudio Gesida 57/07- IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida 27-30 noviembre 2012

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P-122 – Poster-Diferencias entre pacientes coinfectados por VIH y VHC monoinfectados por VIH en España. Estudio Gesida 57/07 – C. Navarro San Francisco, E. Condes, C. Díez Romero, J. Berenguer , C. Quereda Rodríguez-Navarro, F. Zamora Vargas, P. Miralles Martin, A. Moreno, M. L. Montes Ramírez, M. A. Von Wichmann, E. Ortega, J. M. Guardiola, I. Santos, V. Boix, S.Lopez Calvo F. Pulido Ortega, R. Rubio, E. Barquilla, J. González-García, Grupo De Estudio Gesida 57/07 – IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida-27-30 noviembre 2012

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P-120 – Poster- Características de los pacientes coinfectados por VIH y VHC en España. Descripción y comparación entre dos períodos: 2010 y 2002.Estudio Gesida 57/07 – C. Navarro San Francisco, E. Condes, C. Díez Romero, J. Berenguer, C. Quereda Rodríguez-Navarro, F. Zamora Varga, P.Miralles Martin, A. Moreno, M. L. Montes Ramírez, M. A. Von Wichmann, E. Ortega, J. M. Guardiola, I. Santos, V. Boix , S. Lopez Calvo, F. Pulido Ortega, R. Rubio, E. Barquilla, J. González-García, Grupo De Estudio Gesida 57/07 – IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida-27-30 noviembre 2012

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Poster – Abstract #:Q-167 Trends in HCV Infection, Liver Disease Severity, and Specific Treatment Modalities among HIV-Infected Patients in Madrid, Spain Juan González-García: Carolina Navarro San Francisco: Emilia Condes: Cristina Díez Romero: Carmen Quereda Rodríguez-Navarro: Francisco Zamora Vargas: Pilar Miralles Martín: Ana Moreno: Elena Barquilla: Juan Berenguer: – 19thConferenceonRetroviruses and OpportunisticInfections (CROI 2012) March 5-8, 2012

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Poster Oral PO-04- Comparación de pautas de tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes con y sin coinfeccion por VHC. Resultados del Estudio Gesida 57/07: J. González-García , C. Diez Romero, C. Navarro San Francisco, E. Condes, C. Quereda Rodríguez-Navarro, F. Zamora Vargas, P. Miralles Martin , B. Monge , E. Barquilla, J. Berenguer y Grupo De Estudio Gesida 57/07 – V Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 19-22 noviembre 2013

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Características demográficas y evolución clínica de una cohorte de inmigrantes infectados por el VIH que inician TARGA. ¿Existen diferencias según la región de origen? – J. Pérez-Molina1, M. Peñaranda2, I. Suarez-Lozano3, P. Barrufet4, R. Teira3, G. Navarro5, E. Pedrol3, C. Mínguez6, P. Domingo3, J.L. Pérez Arellano7, E. Rivera3, E. Barquilla8, H. Esteban8, J. González-García8 y el grupo de estudio GESIDA 5808. – Póster P031 – I Congreso Nacional de Gesida Madrid 21-24octubre 09

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A retrospective cohort study to determine epidemiology and factors associated to HIV-related outcomes among immigrants starting antiretroviral therapy in Spain. The HIVIS study (GESIDA 5808)- poster PE7.9/2 – the 12th European AIDS Conference/EACS november 2009

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Late starting of HAART remains frequent among HIV-infected patients in Spain and is related to a higher rate of virological failure. Results from a subanalysis of the GESIDA 5808 study. poster PE7.9/9 – the 12th European AIDS Conference/EACS november 2009

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Response to HAART According to Sex and Origin (Immigrant vs Autochthonous) in a Cohort of Patients Who Initiate Antiretroviral Treatment (Subanalysis of Study GES-5808) – J. Perez-Molina1, M. Mora2, I. Suarez-Lozano3, J.L. Casado1, R. Teira4, P. Rivas5, E. Pedrol6, A. Hernando7, P. Domingo8, E. Barquilla9, H. Esteban9, J. Gonzalez-Garcia9, and the GESIDA 5808 Study Group – Poster# Tenth International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection7-11 November 2010 Glasgow, UK

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Descripción de la respuesta al TARGA en función del sexo y el origen (inmigrante vs autóctono) en una cohorte de pacientes que inician tratamiento antirretroviral (subanálisis por sexo del estudio ges-5808) – J. Perez-Molina, M. Mora, I. Suarez-Lozano, J.L. Casado, R. Teira, P. Rivas, E. Pedrol, A. Hernando, P. Domingo, E. Barquilla, H. Esteban, J. Gonzalez-Garcia, grupo de estudio GESIDA 5808 – Presentación Poster P087 – II Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Madrid 30 nov – 3 dic 2010

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Do HIV-infected immigrants initiating HAART have poorer treatment-related outcomes than autochthonous patients in Spain? Results of the GESIDA 5808 study – José A. Pérez-Molina, Marta Mora Rillo, Ignacio Suárez-Lozano, Jose L. Casado Osorio, Ramón TeiraCobo, Pablo Rivas González, EnricPedrolClotet, Asunción Hernando Jerez, Pere Domingo Pedrol, Ana Royuela, Elena BarquillaDíaz, Herminia Esteban and Juan González-García HIV – Current HIV Research, 2010, Vol. 8, No. 7 BSP-CHIVR-2010-49 Date: 01-10-2010

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Late Initiation of HAART Among HIV-Infected Patients in Spain Is Frequent and Related to a Higher Rate of Virological Failure but not to Immigrant Status J.A. Pérez-Molina, I. Suárez-Lozano, A. del Arco, R. Teira, P. Bachiller, E. Pedrol, E. Martínez-Alfaro, P. Domingo, A. Mariño, E. Ribera, A. Antela, J. de Otero, V. Navarro, Juan González-García, and the GESIDA 5808 StudyGroup HIV CLINICAL TRIALS 2011;12(1):1–8 JAN-FEB 2011

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Response to Combined Antiretroviral Therapy According to Gender and Origin in a Cohort of Naïve HIV-Infected Patients: GESIDA-5808 Study José A. Pérez-Molina, Marta Mora Rillo, Ignacio Suárez-Lozano, Jose L. Casado-Osorio, Ramón TeiraCobo, Pablo Rivas González, EnricPedrolClotet, Asunción Hernando-Jerez, Pere Domingo, Elena BarquillaDíaz, Herminia Esteban, and Juan González-García; for the GESIDA 5808 Study Group HIV CLINICAL TRIALS • 13/3 • MAY-JUNE 2012 (doi: 10.1310/hct1303-131)

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Poster #846 Lopinavir-ritonavir plus Abacavir and Lamivudine versus Lopinavir ritonavir Monotherapy for Recovery of Lipoatrophy in HIV-infected Patients with Sustained Virological Suppression while Receiving Zidovudine/Lamivudine/Abacavir – Bernardino JI, Pulido, Martinez E, Arrizabalaga J, Domingo P, Portilla J, Ocampo A, Muñoz J, Torres, R, Arribas JR for the GESIDA-6008-KRETA Study Group. – 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2012) March 5-8, 2012

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PO-50 – Poster Oral-Comparación de lopinavir/ritonavir más abacavir y lamivudina versus lopinavir/ritonavir en monoterapia para la recuperación de la lipoatrofia en pacientes infectados por VIH con supresión virológica mantenida en tratamiento con zidovudina/lamivudina /abacavir. GESIDA-6008 Estudio KRETA – Bernardino JI, Pulido F, Martinez E, Arrizabalaga J, Domingo P, Portilla J, Ocampo A,Muñoz J, Torres, R, Arribas JR onbehalf of GESIDA-6008-KRETA StudyGroup – – IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida 27-30 noviembre 2012

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Switching to lopinavir/ritonavir with or without abacavir/lamivudine in lipoatrophic patients treated with zidovudine/abacavir/lamivudine J. I. Bernardino1, F. Pulido, E. Martinez, J. Arrizabalaga, P. Domingo, J. Portilla, A. OcampO, J. Muñoz, R. Torres, J. R. Arribas, on behalf of the GESIDA-6008-KRETA Study Group Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 10.1093/jac/dks540 – First published online: February 5, 2013

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P-066 -Poster – Ensayo clínico aleatorizado multicéntrico para comparar ZDV+3TC+ABC coformulado (TZV), frente a LOPINAVIR/RITONAVIR en monoterapia (LPV/rMT), en prevención de aparición de lipoatrofia, en pacientes en tratamiento previo con ZDV+3TC+ABC (TZV). Ensayo clínico piloto KALIPO. Estudio GESIDA 6108 – M.J. Bustinduy M.A. Goenaga, M.L.Montes, M. Riera, F. Pulido, A.Antela, J. De la Fuente, J. Muñoz, A.I.Mariño, J.DelCampo , H. Esteban , J.A.Iribarren. – IV Congreso Nacional de Gesida 27-30 noviembre 2012

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Estudio GESIDA 6409. Estudio prospectivo de cohorte para describir la epidemiología y los factores pronósticos de los pacientes infectados por el VIH que ingresan en centros hospitalarios y en los que se confirma microbiologicamente la infección por gripe HIN1 – J.A. Iribarren, J. López Aldeguer, H. Knobel, J. Santos, E. Valencia , E. Barquilla, L. Serrano y Grupo de Estudio de Gripe A de Gesida. – Poster P095 – II Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Madrid 30 nov – 3 dic 2010

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First-Line Raltegravir (RAL) + Darunavir/ Ritonavir (DRV/r) is Non-inferior to Tenofovir/ Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) + DRV/r: The NEAT 001/ANRS 143 Randomised Trial- François Raffi, Abdel G Babiker, Laura Richert, Jean-Michel Molina,Elizabeth C George, Andrea Antinori, Jose Arribas, Stefano Vella, Geneviève Chêne, Anton L Pozniak, and the NEAT001/ANRS143 Study Group – CROI 2014 March 3-6, Boston, MA

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Acceptance Rate of Clinical Study Endpoints and Adequacy of Source Documentation: Experience from the Clinical Study Endpoint Review in NEAT001/ANRS143 – F Wit1, PO Jansson2, C Schwimmer, EC George, M Estée Török, J Berenguer, JD Kowalska, C Wallet, J Saillard, A Diallo, AL Pozniak, F Raffi, J Grarup, and NEAT001/ANRS143 Study Group – Poster No. 2917138- HIV Glasgow Drug Therapy 2014

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Ritonavir-boosted darunavir combined with raltegravir or tenofovir–emtricitabine in antiretroviral-naive adults infected with HIV-1: 96 week results from the NEAT001/ ANRS143 randomised non-inferiority trial François Raffi, Abdel G Babiker, Laura Richert, Jean-Michel Molina, Elizabeth C George, Andrea Antinori, Jose R Arribas, Jesper Grarup, Fleur Hudson, Christine Schwimmer, Juliette Saillard, Cédrick Wallet, Per O Jansson, Clotilde Allavena, Remko Van Leeuwen, Jean-François Delfraissy, Stefano Vella, Geneviève Chêne, Anton Pozniak, for the NEAT001/ANRS143 Study Group* – Lancet 2014; Vol 384 November 29, 2014: 1942–51 Published Online August 5, 2014 S0140-6736(14)61170-3

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Changes in Bone Mineral Density (BMD) over 96 Weeks on Darunavir/Ritonavir (DRV/r) + Raltegravir (RAL) or Darunavir/Ritonavir + Tenofovir/Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) NEAT 001/ANRS 143. BMD sub-study Bernardino JI, Mocroft A, Mallon PW, Wallet C, Reiss P, Katkama C, de Wit S, Antinori A, Gerstoft J, González-Garcia J, Palmisano L, George EC, Saillard J, Raffi F, Arribas JR, NEAT 001/ANRS143 Study Group – 54th ICAAC. Washington DC. September 5-9, 2014. H-1198

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Changes in Bone Mineral Density (BMD) over 96 Weeks on Darunavir/Ritonavir (DRV/r) + Raltegravir (RAL) or DRV/r + Tenofovir/Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) – J.I. Bernardino (1), B. Clotet (2), L. Richert, P. Domingo, M.J. Tellez, H. Knobel, J.M. Gatell, V. Soriano, E. Aznar, H. Esteban, B. Moyano, C. Saiz, J. Gonzalez-Garcia, F. Raffi, J.R. Arribas, . Neat 001/anrs 143 Study Group – – VI Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2014

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First-line RAL + DRV/r is non-inferior to TDF/FTC + DRV/r: the NEAT001/ANRS143 randomised trial – J.R. Arribas, B. Clotet, L. Richert, A. Babiker, P. Domingo, M.J. Tellez, H. Knobel, J.M. Gatell, V. Soriano, P. Miralles, J. Portilla, M. Marquez, B. Moyano, C. Saiz, J.J. González-García, F. Raffi – VI Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2014

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Poster O-179: Outcome and Prognostic Factors in HIV-1-Infected Patients on Dialysis in Spain in the HAART Era: a GESIDA/SEN Cohort Study J.C. Trullàs, G. Barril, F. Cofan, A. Martínez-Castelao, R. Jofre, M. Rivera, J. Martinez-Ara, S. Ros, A. Moreno, J.M. Miró, and the Spanish HIV Infection in Dialysis Study Group. 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2010) to be held February 16-19, 2010

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Poster Oral PO-30: Outcome and Prognostic Factors in HIV-Infected Dialysis Patients in Spain in the HAART Era: a Case-Control GESIDA/SEN Study. J.C. Trullàs, G. Barril,F. Cofan, A. Martinez-Castelao, R. Jofre, M. Rivera, J. Martinez-Ara, S. Ros, J.M. Miró, andy the Spanish HIV Infection in Dialysis Study Group.- II Congreso Nacional de GESIDA. 30 Noviembre – 3 Diciembre, 2010. Madrid.

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P-046 Poster- Fosamprenavir no tiene actividad antiviral directa frente al virus de hepatitis C genotipo 1. Resultados del ensayo clínico FOSTER C/GESIDA 6710 – Juan González-García, Natalia Stella, Jesús Mingorance, Francisco X Zamora, Esperanza Casas, José Ramón Arribas López, José Sanz, Rafael Rubio, Carmen Quereda-Rodríguez , Juan Berenguer, María Jesús Tellez , Herminia Esteban, María Luisa Montes, Grupo De Estudio Gesida 6710 – VII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 1-4 dic 2015, Madrid

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P-047 Poster – Fosamprenavir no induce mutaciones en la región catalítica del gen de la proteasa del VHC genotipo 1. Resultados del ensayo clínico Foster C/GESIDA 6710- Natalia Stella, Juan González-García , María Luisa Montes, Francisco X Zamora, Esperanza Casas, José Sanz José Ramon Arribas López, Federico Pulido , Carmen Quereda-Rodríguez , Juan Berenguer, Jorge Vergas , Herminia Esteban , Jesús Mingorance , Grupo De EstudioGesida 6710 – VII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 1-4 dic 2015, Madrid

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Poster – P-064 – Estudio de coste-efectividad de las estrategias terapéuticas actuales de simplificación del tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA) frente al virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) – ESTUDIO GESIDA 6911.I. Pérez-Valero, A. Martín-Quirós, C. Roldán Acevedo, M. Díaz Menendez, C. Torres González), J.I. Bernardino Serna, F.X. Zamora Vargas), F. Pascual Pareja (1), J.R. Arribas (1), L. González Del Valle, A. Herrero Ambrosio, M.A. Casado Gómez, M. De La Puente Andrés , J.J. González-Garcia- V Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 19-22 noviembre 2013

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Poster PE7/1 – Safety and efficacy of switching to dual therapy (atazanavir/ritonavir+lamivudine) vs. triple therapy (atazanavir/ritonavir+twonucleos(t)ides) in patients on virologically stable antiretroviral therapy: 24-week interim analysis from a randomized clinical trial (SALT study) Author(s): J.A. Perez-Molina, A. Rivero, J. Pasquau, R. Rubio, M. Estébanez, J. Sanz, J. Santos, J.Pedreira, A. Mariño, J. Navarro, A. Antela, J.A. Iribarren, M. Ramírez, and GESIDA 7011study group – 14th European AIDS Conference/EACS – October 2013

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LBPE18: Switching to dual therapy (atazanavir/ritonavir+lamivudine) vs. standard triple therapy (atazanavir/ritonavir+two nucleos(t)ides) is safe and effective in patients on virologically stable antiretroviral therapy: 48-week primary endpoint results from a randomized clinical trial (SALT study)J.A. Perez-Molina, R. Rubio, A. Rivero, J. Pasquau, I. Suárez, M. Riera, M. Estébanez, J. Santos, J. Sanz, J. Troya, A. Mariño, A. Antela, J. Navarro, H. Esteban, and the GESIDA 7011 Study Group. – 20th International AIDS Conference July 20-25 – 2014

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PE 7/6 – Dual Treatment with Atazanavir/r+3TC vs. Triple Treatment with Atazanavir/r+2 nucleos(t)ides in virologically stable patients with HIV-1 (SALT study): 96-week results from a randomised, open label, non-inferiority trial. – J.A. Perez-Molina, R. Rubio, A. Rivero, J. Pasquau, I. Suarez-Lozano, M. Riera, M. Estebanez, J. Santos, J. Sanz-Moreno, J. Troya, A. Mariño, A. Antela, J. Navarro, H. Esteban, S. Moreno, and the Gesida 7011 Study group. 15th European Aids Conference – EACS (October 21-24, 2015 Barcelona)

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Dual treatment with atazanavir–ritonavir plus lamivudine versus triple treatment with atazanavir–ritonavir plus two nucleos(t)ides in virologically stable patients with HIV-1(SALT): 48 week results from a randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial – José A Perez-Molina, Rafael Rubio, Antonio Rivero, Juan Pasquau, Ignacio Suárez-Lozano, Melcior Riera, Miriam Estébanez, Jesús Santos, José Sanz-Moreno, Jesús Troya, Ana Mariño, Antonio Antela, José Navarro, Herminia Esteban, Santiago Moreno, on behalf of the GESIDA 7011 Study Group Lancet Infect Dis 2015 Published Online – June 8, 2015 S1473-3099(15)00097-3

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Simplification to dual therapy (atazanavir/ritonavir1lamivudine) versus standard triple therapy [atazanavir/ritonavir1two nucleos(t)ides] in virologically stable patients on antiretroviral therapy: 96 week results from an open-label, non-inferiority, randomized clinical trial (SALT study) – J. A. Perez-Molina1, R. Rubio, A. Rivero, J. Pasquau, I. Suárez-Lozano, M. Riera, M. Este´banez, R. Palacios,J. Sanz-Moreno, J. Troya, A.Mariño, A. Antela, J. Navarro, H. Esteban and S. Moreno on behalf of the GeSIDA7011 Study Group – Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Advance Access published September 13, 2016 (J Antimicrob Chemother doi:10.1093/jac/dkw379)

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Neurocognitive Safety After 96-Weeks on Dual Therapy With Atazanavir/Ritonavir + Lamivudine: Results of the Neurocognitive Substudy of the SALT Randomized Clinical Trial- Author(s): Pérez-Valero, Ignacio; Pasquau, Juan; Rubio, Rafael; Rivero, Antonio; Santos, Jesus; Sanz, José; Mariño, Ana; Crespo, Manuel; Hernández-Quero, Jose; Iribarren, José; Gutiérrez, Félix; Terrón, Jose Alberto; Esteban, Herminia; Pérez-Molina, José Antonio. – J Antimicrob Chemother 2018 Sep 1;73(9):2444-2451

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Indicadores de calidad asistencial de GESIDA para la atención de personas infectadas por el VIH/sida – Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2010;28(Supl 5):1-2 Volumen 28, Extraordinario 5, Noviembre 2010

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MOPE438 The GESIDA Quality Indicators for HIV/AIDS care in Spain M.A. von Wichmann1, J. Locutura2, M. Riera3, R.M. Saura4, J.R. Blanco5, I. Suárez-Lozano6, P. Viciana7, P. Vallejo4, L. Krahe8 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011), Rome 17-20 July 2011

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CE – Estudio piloto de factibilidad en la medición de 11 indicadores relevantes de calidad en la atención a pacientes VIH+. – Von Wichmann Miguel A, Riera Sión), Suárez Ignacio), Esteban Herminia, Sarasqueta Cristina), Palacios Rosario, Lozano Fernando, Valencia Eulalia, Blanco José Ramón, Amador Concepción, Locutura Jaime, Krahe Lorena. III CONGRESO NACIONAL GESIDA Sevilla, 8-11 noviembre de 2011.

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Validación y cumplimentación de los indicadores de calidad GESIDA en pacientes con infección por el VIH – Melchor Riera, Herminia Esteban, Ignacio Suarez, Rosario Palacios, Fernando Lozano, Jose R. Blanco, Eulalia Valencia, Antonio Ocampo, Concha Amador, Guillem Frontera, Miguel Angel vonWichmann-de Miguel the GESIDA Study Group of the HIV quality indicators – Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2016;34(6):346–352

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ANRS 146 OPTIMAL phase III trial: maraviroc plus cART in advanced HIV1-infected individuals. – Y. Levy1,2, J.-D. Lelièvre1,2, L. Assoumou3, E. Aznar4, F. Pulido5, G. Tambussi6, M. Crespo7, A. Meybeck8, J.-M. Molina9, F. Cardon10, C. Delaugerre9, R. Lancar3, L. Béniguel3, D. Costagliola3, on behalf of the ANRS 146 – GeSIDA 4511 study group- 9th IAS Conference Paris 2017

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Poster 1492 – ANRS 146 OPTIMAL PHASE III TRIAL: MARAVIROC PLUS CART IN ADVANCED HIV-1+ PATIENTS. – Yves LEVY, Jean Daniel Lelievre , Lambert ASSOUMOU , Esther Aznar , Federico Pulido , Giuseppe Tambussi, Constance Delaugerre , Rémi Lancar , Lydie Béniguel , Dominique COSTAGLIOLA. -PO1492 CROI 2017

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Poster 495 – ARE INTEGRASE INHIBITORS A RISK FACTOR FOR IRIS IN THE ANRS 146 OPTIMAL TRIAL? – Jean-Daniel Lelievre, Lambert Assoumou, Esther Aznar, Federico Pulido, Giuseppe Tambussi, Manuel Crespo, Agnes Meybeck, Jean-Michel Molina, Fanny Cardon, Constance Delaugerre, Rémi Lancar, Lydie Béniguel, Yves Levy, Dominique Costagliola, for the the ANRS 146 – GeSIDA 7211 study group IRIS CRO 2018

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Accurate quantification of CXCR4-using HIV-1 variants by Illumina deep-sequencing – Stéphanie Raymond 1 2, Constance Delaugerre 3 4, Florence Nicot 1, Lambert Assoumou 5, Rémi Lancar 5, Lydie Beniguel 5, Jacques Izopet 1, ANRS 146 OPTIMAL study group – AIDS 2018 Oct 23;32(16):2429-2431

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Topical cidofovir to treat high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-infected patients: a pilot clinical trial – Elena Sendagorta, Jose I. Bernardino, Mario Alvarez-Gallego, Marta Feıtod, Rosa Feltesd, Maria J. Beatoe, Jose A. Perez-Molina, Maria Yllescas, Mariana Dıaz-Almiron, Jose R. Arribas Juan Gonza´lez-Garcı´ab, Pedro Herranza, for the CIDAN12/7412 GESIDA Study Group – AIDS, 2 January 2016 – Volume 30 – Issue 1 – p 75–82 doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000886

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PO-12 – Comparison of Oxidative Stress Markers in HIV-infected Patients on Efavirenz or Atazanavir/ritonavir-Based Therapy. – Vicente Estrada; Susana Monge; DulceNombre Gómez-Garre; Paz Sobrino; Juan Berenguer; José Ignacio Bernardino; Jesús Santos; Ana Moreno Zamora; Esteban Martínez; José Ramón Blanco – HIV Drug Therapy, 2-6 November 2014;

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Comparison of Oxidative Stress Markers in HIV-infected Patients on Efavirenz or Atazanavir/ritonavir-Based Therapy. – Vicente Estrada; Susana Monge; DulceNombre Gómez-Garre; Paz Sobrino; Juan Berenguer; José Ignacio Bernardino; Jesús Santos; Ana Moreno Zamora; Esteban Martínez; José Ramón Blanco – VI Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2014

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Relationship between plasma bilirubin level and oxidative stress markers in HIV-infected patients on atazanavir- vs. efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy – V Estrada,1 S Monge,2 MD G omez-Garre,1 P Sobrino,2 M Masi a,3 J Berenguer,4 J Portilla,5 C Vilad es,6 E Mart ınez7 and JR Blanco8 on behalf of CoRIS and the HIV Biobank integrated in the Spanish AIDS Research Network – DOI: 10.1111/hiv.12368 HIV Medicine (2016)

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P287 – NUKE-SPARING REGIMENS AS A MAIN SIMPLIFICATION STRATEGY AND HIGH LEVEL OF TOXICITY RESOLUTION AFTER ANTIRETROVIRAL SWITCH: THE SWITCHART STUDY Ana Carrero-Gras1; Antonio Antela2; Jessica Muñoz-Rodríguez3; Marta Díaz-Menéndez4; Pompeyo Viciana5; Adriadna Torrella-Domingo6; José Sanz-Moreno7; María Jesús Téllez-Molina8; Javier Moreno9; José Hernández-Quero10; Isabel A. Pérez-Hernández11; Pere Domingo-Pedrol3 – HIV Drug Therapy, 2-6 November 2014; Glasgow, UK

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Non-inferiority of dual-therapy with darunavir/ritonavir plus 3TC vs. triple therapy with darunavir/ritonavir plus TDF/FTC or ABC/3TC for maintenance of viral suppression: 48-week results of the DUAL-GESIDA 8014-RIS-EST45 Trial – Federico Pulido. Esteban Ribera. María Lagarde. Ignacio Pérez-Valero. Jesús Santos. José A. Iribarren. Antonio Payeras. Pere Domingo. José Sanz. Miguel Cervero. Adrián Curran. Francisco J. Rodríguez. María J. Téllez . Pablo Ryan. Pilar Barrufet. Hernando Knobel. Antonio Rivero. Belén Alejos. María Yllescas. José R. Arribas. DUAL-GESIDA-8014-RIS-EST45 Study Group – # 0331 – HIV – DRUG THERAPY 2016 (Glagow)

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CO-03 (Comunicación Oral). No-inferioridad de la Terapia Dual (TD) con darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r) más 3TC comparada con la Terapia Triple (TT) con DRV/r más TDF/FTC (o ABC/3TC) en el mantenimiento de la supresión viral: Resultados del Ensayo DUAL-GESIDA 8014. – Federico Puiido, Esteban Ribera, Maria Lagarde, Ignacio Pérez-Valero, Jesús Santos, Jose Antonio Iribarren, Antonio Payeras, José Sanz, Eugenia Negredo, Juan Pasquau, Joaquín Portilla, Juan Emilio Losa, Francisco Parras, Daniel Podzamczer, Melchor Riera, Desiré Gil, Belén Alejos, María Yllescas, José Ramón Arribas, Grupo De Estudio Dual -Gesida-8014 – VIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE GESIDA 2016

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Dual Therapy with Darunavir and Ritonavir Plus Lamivudine vs Triple Therapy With Darunavir and Ritonavir Plus Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Emtricitabine or Abacavir and Lamivudine for Maintenance of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Viral Suppression: Randomized, Open-Label, Noninferiority DUAL-GESIDA 8014-RIS-EST45 Trial. – Federico Pulido Esteban Ribera María Lagarde Ignacio Pérez-Valero Rosario Palacios José A Iribarren Antoni Payeras Pere Domingo José Sanz Miguel Cervero Adrián Curran Francisco J Rodríguez-Gómez María J Téllez Pablo Ryan Pilar Barrufet Hernando Knobel Antonio Rivero Belén Alejos María Yllescas José R Arribas for the DUAL-GESIDA-8014-RIS-EST45 Study Group . – Clinical Infectious Diseases, cix734, Published:17 August 2017

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Poster MOPEB0311 – Switch to 3TC+Darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r) dual therapy Subgroup analysis of DUAL clinical trial. – Federico Pulido. Esteban Ribera. María Lagarde. Ignacio Pérez-Valero. Jesús Santos. José A. Iribarren. José Sanz. Pere Domingo. Antonio Payeras. María J. Téllez. Francisco J Rodríguez. Otilia Bisbal. Miguel Cervero. Belén Alejos. María Yllescas. José R. Arribas. DUAL-GESIDA-8014-RIS-EST45 Study Group. – 9th IAS Conference Paris 2017

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Lipid changes in HIV-infected patients switching to the coformulated single tablet TDF/FTC/RPV (Eviplera®). Efficacy and safety retrospective analysis. GeSida Study 8114. – HIV Drug Therapy, 2-6 November 2014; Glasgow, UK

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Lipid changes in HIV-infected patients switching to the coformulated single tablet TDF/FTC/RPV (Eviplera®). Efficacy and safety retrospective analysis. GeSida Study 8114. – VI Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2014

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Lipid Changes in Virologically Suppressed HIV-Infected Patients Switching from any Antiretroviral Therapy to the Emtricitabine/Rilpivirine/Tenofovir Single Tablet: GeSida Study 8114 – Rosario Palacios, Marisa Mayorga, Isabel A. Pérez-Hernández, Antonio Rivero, Alfonso del Arco, Fernando Lozano, and Jesús Santos; GESIDA-8114-LIRA Study Group – Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care – on February 11, 2016 DOI: 10.1177/2325957416629785

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Poster 471 – Seguridad y efectividad del tratamiento antirretroviral con y sin raltegravir durante el tratamiento anti-VHC en pacientes coinfectados con VIH / VHC – Ana Carrero, Juan Berenguer, Victor Hontañón, Josep M Guardiola, Manel Crespo, Carmen Quereda5 José Sanz, Ignacio Santos, Miguel A Von Wichmann, María J Téllez, David Vinuesa, María J Galindo, Enrique Ortega, José López-Aldeguer, Cristina Díez, Mª Luisa Montes, Herminia Esteban, José M Bellón, Juan González-García, and the GeSIDA 3603b study group. – XXI Congreso SEIMC 2017

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PE8/26 – Effectiveness and safety of fixed dose ABC/3TC plus Rilpivirine in a multicenter cohort of HIV-infected patients. SIMRIKI Study. GESIDA-8314 – J. Troya, P. Ryan, E. Ribera, D. Podzamczer, V. Hontañón, J.A. Terrón, V. Boix, S. Moreno, P. Barrufet, M. Castaño, A. Carrero, J. Galindo, M. Raffo,H. Knobel, H. Esteban, GESIDA-8314 – 15th European Aids Conference – EACS (October 21-24, 2015 Barcelona)

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Abacavir/Lamivudine plus Rilpivirine Is an Effective and Safe Strategy for HIV-1 Suppressed Patients: 48 Week Results of the SIMRIKI Retrospective Study – Jesús Troya, Pablo Ryan, Esteban Riber2, Daniel Podzamczer, Victor Hontañón, Jose Alberto Terrón, Vicente Boix, Santiago Moreno, Pilar Barrufet, Manuel Castaño, Ana Carrero, Maria José Galindo, Ignacio Suaárez-Lozano, Hernando Knobel, Miguel Raffo, Javier Solís, María Yllescas, Herminia Esteban, Juan González- Garcia, Juan Berengue, Arkaitz Imaz, GESIDA-8314 Study Group – PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0164455 October 11, 2016

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection in Spain: Prevalence and Patient Characteristics – Juan Berneguer, Antonio Rivero, Inmaculada Jarrin, María J Núñez, María J Vivancos, Manel Crespo, María J. Téllez, Pere Domingo, José A Iribarren, Arturo Artero, Manuel Marquez, Ignacio Santos, Javier Moreno, Marta Montero, Juan González-Garcia and The GeSIDA 8514 Study Group. Open Forum Infect Dis (2016) 3 (2): ofw059. DOI: Published: 11 March 2016

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Poster PE16/14 – The Burden of HCV-Related Cirrhosis Among HIV/HCV Coinfected Individuals in Spain in the DAA Era: ¿What will the battlefield look like once the battle is over? – J. González-García1, J. Berenguer2, M.J. Vivancos3, J. Navarro4, M.J. Téllez5, J.M. Guardiola6, J.A. Iribarren7, A. RiveroRomán8, M. Márquez9, A. Artero10, L. Morano11, I. Santos12, J. Moreno13, M.C. Fariñas14, M.J. Galindo15, A. Hernando16, M. Montero17, C. Cifuentes18, P. Domingo19, J. Sanz20, L. Pérez-Latorre1, V. Hontañón2, L. Domíngez16, O.L. Ferrero21, B. De la Fuente22, C. Rodríguez23, S. Reus24, J. Hernández-Quero25, G. Gaspar26, L. Pérez-Martínez27, C. García28, L. Force29, S. Veloso30, J.E. Losa31, J. Vilaró32, E. Bernal33, S. Arponen34, A.J. Ortí35, Á. Chocarro36, R. Teira37, G. Alonso38, R. Silvariño39, A. Vegas40, P. Geijo41, J. Bisbe42, I. Jarrín43, H. Esteban44, and GeSIDA 8514 Study Group- 16th EUROPEAN AIDS CONFERENCE (October 25-17,2017 Milán)

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Poster PS9/3 – HIV/HCV Coinfection in Spain: elimination is a stone’s throw awayJ. Berenguer, J. González, M.J. Vivancos, J. Navarro, M.J. Téllez, J.M. Guardiola, J.A. Iribarren, A. Rivero-Román, M. Márquez, A. Artero, L. Morano, I. Santos, J. Moreno, M.C. Fariñas, M.J. Galindo, A. Hernando,M. Montero, C. Cifuentes, P. Domingo, J. Sanz, L. Pérez-Latorre, V. Hontañón, L. Domíngez, O.L. Ferrero,B. De la Fuente, C. Rodríguez, S. Reus, J. Hernández-Quero, G. Gaspar, L. Pérez-Martínez, C. García, L.- Force, S. Veloso, J.E. Losa, J. Vilaró, E. Bernal, S. Arponen, A.J. Ortí, Á. Chocarro, R. Teira, G. Alonso, R. Silvariño, A. Vegas, P. Geijo, J. Bisbe, I. Jarrín, H. Esteban, and GeSIDA 8514 Study Group – – 16th European AIDS Conference October 25-27 2017, Milan, Italy

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Hepatits C Virus Coinfection in Spain: Elimination Is Feasible, but the Burden of Residual Cirrhosis Will Be Significant. -Juan Berenguer 1, Inmaculada Jarrín 2, Leire Pérez-Latorre 1, Víctor Hontañón 3, María J Vivancos 4, Jordi Navarro 5, María J Téllez 6, Josep M Guardiola 7, José A Iribarren 8, Antonio Rivero-Juárez 9, Manuel Márquez 10, Arturo Artero 11, Luis Morano 12, Ignacio Santos 13, Javier Moreno 14, María C Fariñas 15, María J Galindo 16, María A Hernando 17, Marta Montero 18, Carmen Cifuentes 19, Pere Domingo 20, José Sanz 21, Lourdes Domíngez 22, Oscar L Ferrero 23, Belén De la Fuente 24, Carmen Rodríguez 25, Sergio Reus 26, José Hernández-Quero 27, Gabriel Gaspar 28, Laura Pérez-Martínez 29, Coral García 30, Lluis Force 31, Sergio Veloso 32, Juan E Losa 33, Josep Vilaró 34, Enrique Bernal 35, Sari Arponen 36, Amat J Ortí 37, Ángel Chocarro 38, Ramón Teira 39, Gerardo Alonso 40, Rafael Silvariño 41, Ana Vegas 42, Paloma Geijo 43, Josep Bisbe 44, Herminia Esteban 45, Juan González-García 3, GeSIDA 8514 Study Group. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2018 Jan 12;5(1): ofx258.doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofx258. eCollection 2018 Jan.

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HIV/HCV COINFECTION TRENDS IN SPAIN (2015-2019) Chiara Fanciulli, Juan Berenguer, Carmen Busca Arenzana, María Jesús Vivancos, María Jesús Tellez, Lourdes Domínguez, Pere Domingo, Jordi Navarro, Jesús Santos, José A. Iribarren, Luis Morano, Marta De Miguel, Inmaculada Jarrín, Juan González-García, for the GeSIDA 8514 Study Group – CROI 2021 6-10 de marzo (ONLINE)

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Comunicación Oral 0187 Coinfección por VIH/VHB en España, 2015-2021 – L Pérez-Latorre1, J Berenguer, R Micán, C García, MJ Vivanco4, A Hernando, J Vergas, P Domingo, J Navarro, J Santos, L Morano, JA Iribarren, J Moreno, I Santos, A Artero, MJ Galindo, S Reus, M Montero, A Rivero-Román, C Armiñanzas, C Cifuentes, OL Ferrero, JE Losa, J Sanz, C Manzardo, B De La Fuente, G Gaspar, S Veloso, L Pérez-Martínez, L Force, E Bernal, C Rodríguez, E Martínez-Alfaro, S Arponen, AJ Ortí, A Chocarro, R Teira, G Alonso, A Vegas, R Silvariño, P Geijo, C Oliva, I Jarrín, J González-García – XXV Congreso Nacional SEIMC Granada, Junio 2022

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Comunicación Oral CO-05. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRENDS OF HIV/HCV COINFECTION IN SPAIN, 2015-2021 – C. Fanciulli1 , J. Berenguer , C. Busca , C. García , S. del Campo , A. Hernando , J. Vergas , P. Domingo , J. Navarro, J. Santos, L. Morano, J.A. Iribarren, J. Moreno, I. Santos, A. Artero , M.J. Galindo, S. Reus, M. Montero, A. Rivero-Román, C. Armiñanzas, A. Villoslada, O.L. Ferreiro, J.E. Losa, J. Sanz, C. Manzardo, B. de la Fuente, G. Gaspar, S. Veloso, L. Pérez, L. Force, E. Bernal, C. Rodríguez, D. Corps, A.J. Ortí, C. Martín , R. Teira, G. Alonso, V. Víctor, R. Silvariño, P. Geijo, C. Oliva, I. Jarrín and J. González García – XIII Congreso Nacional de Gesida Sitges 27-30 noviembre 2022

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Epidemiological trends of HIV/HCV coinfection in Spain, 2015–2019 – Chiara Fanciulli | Juan Berenguer, Carmen Busca, María J. Vivancos, María J. Téllez, Lourdes Domínguez, Pere Domingo,| Jordi Navarro, Jesús Santos, José A. Iribarren, Luis Morano, Arturo Artero, Javier Moreno, Antonio Rivero-Román, Ignacio Santos, Livia Giner, Carlos Armiñanzas, Marta Montero, Christian Manzardo, Carmen Cifuentes, Coral García, María J. Galindo, Oscar L. Ferrero, José Sanz,| Belén de la Fuente, Carmen Rodríguez, Gabriel Gaspar, Laura Pérez, Juan E. Losa, Luis Force, Sergio Veloso, Elisa Martínez-Alfaro, Inmaculada Jarrín, Marta De Miguel, Juan González Garcia, GeSIDA 8514 Study Group – HIV Medicine. 2022;23: 705–716

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Estudio Multicéntrico Observacional Retrospectivo de la Efectividad, Seguridad y Tolerancia del Cambio del Tratamiento Antirretroviral, por causas clínicas, de Lopinavir/ritonavir a Darunavir /ritonavir en Monoterapia: Estudio MonoSwitch (GESIDA 8614) – Ignacio Pérez-Valero , Victoria Moreno Celda, Maria Jesus Pérez Elías, Eulalia Valencia Ortega , Ana Gomez Berrocal , AntoniaSepulveda Berrocal, Miguel Cervero Jimenez, Alberto Diaz De Santiago, Maria Jesus Vivancos, Botond Lakatos, Rosario Madero Jarabo) Monoswitch Study Group – VII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 1-4 dic 2015

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Poster PS9/2 – Analysis of the effectiveness and safety of Raltegravir plus abacavir/lamivudine as a switching strategy for HIV-1 suppressed patients. KIRAL Study (GESIDA-8715) – J. Troya, R. Montejano, P. Ryan, C. Gómez, M. Matarranz, F.J. Vera, I. Santos, G. Samperiz, P. Bachiller, V. Boix9 A. Cabello, P. Barrufet, M. Cervero, J. Sanz, M.A. Sepúlveda, P. Rodríguez, H. Esteban, M. Yllescas, J. Solís, E. Valencia on behalf of the GESIDA-8715 Study Group – 16th European AIDS Conference October 25-27 2017, Milan, Italy

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Poster 38 – ESTUDIO MULTICÉNTRICO PROSPECTIVO PARA LA DETECCIÓN PRECOZ DE CARCINOMA PULMONAR EN PACIENTES CON INFECCIÓN POR VIH (ESTUDIO GESIDA 8815). RESULTADOS PRELIMINARES. M.ª Eulalia Valencia (1), Tatiana Pirogova (1), Delia Romera (1), Marta Montero (2), María Tasías Pitarch (2), Jorge Vergas (3), Mª Jesús Tellez (3), José Sanz (4), Alberto Arranz (4), Francisco Fanjul (5), Antoni Campins (5), Miguel Cervero (6), Inmaculada Jarrín (7), Marta de Miguel (7), María Yllescas (7) Grupo de Estudio GESIDA 8815 (1) Hospital Universitario La Paz, IdiPaz (2) Hospital Universitario La Fe, (3) Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos, (4) Hospital Príncipe de Asturias, (5) Hospital Universitario Son Espases (6) Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa, (7) Fundación SEIMC-GESIDA 2017

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Poster 165 – DETECCIÓN PRECOZ DEL CARCINOMA DE PULMÓN EN PACIENTES CON INFECCIÓN POR VIH: ANÁLISIS INTERINO TRES AÑOS DESPUES DEL INICIO DEL ESTUDIO GESIDA 8815 – Mª Eulalia Valencia 1, Tatiana Pirogova 1, Delia Romera 1, Marta Montero 2, María Tasías 2, José Sanz 3, Alberto Arranz 3, Jorge Vergas 4, Mª Jesús Téllez 4, Francisco Fanjul 5, Antoni Campins 5, Miguel Cervero 6, Inmaculada Jarrín 7, Marta De Miguel 8, María Yllescas – XI Congreso Nacional de GESIDA, Toledo 10-13 diciembre 2019

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Presentación oral 10 ESTUDIO GESIDA 8815 PARA LA DETECCIÓN PRECOZ DEL CARCINOMA DE PULMÓN: ¿HA SIDO ÚTIL TANTO ESFUERZO? – ME Valencia et Al. – XII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2021 Málaga, 29 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2021

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Estudio prospectivo para la detección precoz de carcinoma pulmonar en pacientes con infección por VIH M. Eulalia Valencia, Tatiana Pirogova, Delia Romera, Marta Montero, María Tasías, José Sanz ,Alberto Arranz, Jorge Vergas, M. Jesús Téllez, Francisco Fanjule, Antoni Campinse ,Miguel Cervero, Inmaculada Jarrín, Marta de Miguel, Luz Martín Carbonero, María Yllescas, Juan González 0213-005X/© 2024 Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica

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Effectiveness of Dasabuvir, Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir for HCV Genotype 1 in HIV/HCV-coinfected Subjects with Compensated Liver Disease: Real-world experience from the MADRID-CoRe Study – González-García, Juan; Montes-Ramírez, Mª Luisa1; Domínguez-Domínguez, Lourdes; Aldámiz-Echevarria, Teresa; Vivancos, Mª Jesús; Gil Martin, Angela; Cruz-Martos, Encarnación; Estrada, Vicente; Arias, Ana; Sanz, José; Gaspar, Gabriel; Losa, Juan E; Barros, Carlos; Ruiz-Giardin, José M; Gimeno-García, Alejandra; Vegas, Ana; García-Benayas, Mª Teresa; Serrano, Regino; Calvo, Mª José; Alcaraz, Marta; Jarrin, Inmaculada; Berenguer, Juan – Poster # P280 – HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2016 (. 23–26 October)

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Effectiveness of all-oral DAAs for HCV Genotype 4 in HIV/HCV-coinfected Subjects with Compensated Liver Disease: Real-world experience from the MADRID-CoRe Study – González-García, Juan; Aldámiz-Echevarria, Teresa; Quereda, Carmen; Hontañón, Victor; Domínguez-Domínguez, Lourdes; Gil-Martin, Angela; Cruz-Martos, Encarnacion; Tellez, Mª Jesús; Santos, Ignacio; Cuevas-Tascón, Guillermo; Gaspar, Gabriel; Álvarez-Álvarez, Beatriz; Losa, Juan E; Cervero, Miguel; Barros, Carlos; Mosalvo,Raquel; Menéndez, Mª Antonia; Belda, Luis M; Calvo, María; Alcaraz, Marta; Jarrin, Inmaculada; Berenguer, Juan – Poster # P265 – HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2016 (. 23–26 October)

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Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir for 12 or 24 weeks in HCV Genotype 1 in HIV/HCV-coinfected Subjects with Compensated Liver Disease: Real-world experience from the MADRID-CoRe Study – Berenguer, Juan; Moreno, Ana; Martín-Carbonero, Luz; Domínguez, Lourdes; Aldámiz-Echevarría, Teresa; Gil-Martín, Ángela; Cruz-Martos, Encarnación; Vergas, Jorge; Santos, Ignacio; Benítez, Laura; De Miguel, Julio; Troya, Jesús; Álvarez, Beatriz; Torres, Rafael; Canalejo, Eduardo; Arponen, Sari; de Guzmán, María Teresa; Gotuzzo, Luis; Calvo, María José; Alcaraz, Marta; Jarrin, Inmaculada; González-García, Juan – Poster # P274 – HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2016 (. 23–26 October

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Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir for 8 or 12 weeks in GT1 HCV-infected treatmentnaïve, non-cirrhotic patients with HIV infection: Real-world experience from the MADRID-CoRe Study – Berenguer, Juan; Gil-Martin, Ángela; Moreno, Ana; Moreno, Francisco4 Dominguez, Lourdes; Aldámiz-Echevarría, Teresa; Cruz-Martos, Encarnación; Estrada, Vicente; Santos, Ignacio; Benítez, Laura; Sanz, José; Ryan, Pablo; Gaspar, Gabriel; Álvarez, Beatriz; Losa, Juan Emilio; Jusdado, Juan José; Barros, Carlos; Malmierca, Eduardo; Calvo, María José; Alcaraz, Marta; Jarrin, Inmaculada; González-García, Juan – Poster # P284 – HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2016 (. 23–26 October

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Effectiveness of Dasabuvir, Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir for HCV Genotype 1 in HIV/HCV-coinfected Subjects with Compensated Liver Disease: Real-world experience from the MADRID-CoRe Study – G Juan González García, María Luisa Montes Ramírez, Lourdes Domínguez Domínguez, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, María Jesús Vivancos, Ángela Gil Martin , Encarnación Cruz Martos, Vicente Estrada), Ana Arias, José Sanz, Gabriel Gaspar, Juan Emilio Losa, Carlos Barros, José María Ruiz Giardin, Alejandra Gimeno García, Ana Vegas, María José Calvo, Marta Alcara, Inmaculada Jarrín, Juan Berenguer Berenguer- P056 # – VIII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA – 29 noviembre-2 diciembre 2016, San Sebastián.

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Effectiveness of all-oral DAAs for HCV Genotype 4 in HIV/HCV-coinfected Subjects with Compensated Liver Disease: Real-world experience from the MADRID-CoRe Study – Rafael Micán, Juan González García, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, Carmen Quereda, Lourdes Domínguez Domínguez, Ángela Gil Martin, Encarnación Cruz, María Jesús Téllez, Ignacio Santos, Guillermo Cuevas Tascón, Gabriel Gaspar, Beatriz Álvarez Álvarez, Juan Emilio Losa, Miguel Cervero, Carlos Barros, Raquel Monsalvo, María José Calvo, Marta Alcaraz, Inmaculada Jarrín, Juan Berenguer Berenguer – PO 33 (Poster Oral) VIII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA – 29 noviembre-2 diciembre 2016, San Sebastián.

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Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir for 12 or 24 weeks in HCV Genotype 1 in HIV/HCV-coinfected Subjects with Compensated Liver Disease: Real-world experience from the MADRID-CoRe Study – Berenguer, Juan; Moreno, Ana; Martín-Carbonero, Luz; Domínguez, Lourdes; Aldámiz-Echevarría, Teresa; Gil-Martín, Ángela; Cruz-Martos, Encarnación; Vergas, Jorge; Santos, Ignacio; Benítez, Laura; De Miguel, Julio; Troya, Jesús; Álvarez, Beatriz; Torres, Rafael; Canalejo, Eduardo; Arponen, Sari; de Guzmán, María Teresa; Calvo, María José; Jarrin, Inmaculada; González-García, Juan -P040 # – VIII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA – 29 noviembre-2 diciembre 2016, San Sebastián.

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Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir for 8 or 12 weeks in GT1 HCV-infected treatmentnaïve, non-cirrhotic patients with HIV infection: Real-world experience from the MADRID-CoRe Study – Berenguer, Juan; Gil-Martin, Ángela; Moreno, Ana; Moreno, Francisco; Dominguez, Lourdes; Aldámiz-Echevarría, Teresa; Estrada, Vicente; Santos, Ignacio; Benítez, Laura; Sanz, José; Ryan, Pablo; Gaspar, Gabriel; Álvarez, Beatriz; Losa, Juan Emilio; Jusdado, Juan José; Barros, Carlos; Alcaraz, Marta; Cruz-Martos Encarnación; Jarrin, Inmaculada; González-García, Juan – PO 31 (Poster Oral) – VIII Congreso Nacional de GESIDA – 29 noviembre-2 diciembre 2016, San Sebastián.

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Poster 024 – Effectiveness of All-Oral DAAs for HCV Genotype 3 In HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients – Rafael Micán Rivera, Juan J González-García, Ana Moreno, Angela Gil-Martín, Lourdes Domínguez, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, Victoria Moreno Celda, Jorge Vergas, José Sanz, Laura Benítez, Beatriz Álvarez, Rafael Torre-Perea, Juan Víctor San Martin, María Teresa De Guzmán, Ana Vegas, Regino Serrano, María Antonia Menéndez, Encarnación Cruz Martos), Inmaculada Jarrín, Juan Berenguer-IX Congreso Nacional de GESIDA – 28 noviembre-1 diciembre 2017, Vigo

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Poster 025 – Effectiveness of DAAs In HIV/HCV-coinfected Patients with Decompensated Cirrhosis. – Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, Juan Berenguer, Lourdes Domínguez, Ángela Gil-Martín, Carmen Quereda, Mª Jesús Tellez, Ignacio Santos, Pablo Ryan, Gabriel Gaspar, Juan Emilio Losa, Carlos Barros, Sari Arponen, Raquel Monsalvo, María T. García-Benayas, Luis Gotuzzo, Luis M Belda, Eduardo Malmierca, María José Calvo, Inma Jarrin, Juan González-García. -IX Congreso Nacional de GESIDA – 28 noviembre-1 diciembre 2017, Vigo

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All-Oral Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy Against Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) in Human Immunodeficiency Virus/HCV– Coinfected Subjects in Real-World Practice: Madrid Coinfection Registry Findings – Juan Berenguer , 1* Angela Gil-Martin, 2 Inmaculada Jarrin,3 Ana Moreno,4 Lourdes Dominguez,5 Marisa Montes,6 Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría,1 María J. Tellez,7 Ignacio Santos,8 Laura Benitez,9 Jose Sanz,10 Pablo Ryan,11 Gabriel Gaspar,12 Beatriz Alvarez,13 Juan E. Losa,14 Rafael Torres-Perea,15 Carlos Barros,16 Juan V. San Martin,17 Sari Arponen,18 María T. de Guzmán,19 Raquel Monsalvo,20 Ana Vegas,21 María T. Garcia-Benayas,22 Regino Serrano,23 Luis Gotuzzo,24 Marıa Antonia Menendez,25 Luis M Belda,26 Eduardo Malmierca,27 María J. Calvo,2 Encarnación Cruz-Martos,2 and Juan J. González-García6- HEPATOLOGY, VOL. 68, NO. 1, 2018

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Poster 1348 – Real-world data on elbasvir/grazoprevir for HCV infection in HIV/non-HIV patients – María Luisa Montes, Juan Berenguer, Ángela Gil, Adriana Ahumada, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, José Luis Calleja, Agustín Albillos, Antonio Olveira, María Jesús Téllez, Lourdes Domínguez, Conrado Fernández-Rodríguez, José Sanz9, Inmaculada Jarrín, María J Calvo, Juan González-García. – CROI 2019.

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Poster 531 Impact of SVR with DAAS in coinfected patients with advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis – Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, Juan Berenguer, Victor Hontañón, Chiara Fanciulli, Carmen Quereda, Carmen Busca Arenzana, Lourdes Domínguez, Cristina Hernandez Gutierrez, Jorge Vergas, Gabriel Gaspar, Lucio Jesús GarcíaFraile Fraile, Marta De Miguel, José M. Bellón, Juan González-García – CROI 2022 Denver 12-16 de febrero

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Poster PE3/6 – Reversibility of dolutegravir/lamivudine/abacavir FDC neuropsychiatric toxicity after 24 weeks of switching to elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir-alafenamide. The DREAM Clinical Trial (GESIDA 9016). – I. Perez Valero1, A. Cabello2, P. Ryan3, A. Moreno4, L. García-Fraile, MJ. Vivancos6, A. González1 – EACS 2019

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Presentación Oral – Reversibilidad de la toxicidad neuropsiquiátrica asociada con el uso de abacavir/lamivudina/ dolutegravir tras el cambio a elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabina/ tenofovir alafenamida: Ensayo Clínico Randomizado DREAM (GESIDA 9016) – Ignacio Pérez Valero 1, Alfonso Cabello 2, Pablo Ryan 3, Sara De La Fuente-Moral 4, Ignacio Santos 5, Maria Jesus Vivancos 6, Miguel Gorgolas 2, Guillermo Cuevas 3, Alberto Diaz De Santiago 4, Itsaso Losantos 7, Guadalupe Rúa 7, Maria Yllescas 7, Alicia González – SEIMC 2019

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Randomized trial evaluating the neurotoxicity of dolutegravir/abacavir/lamivudine and its reversibility after switching to elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide. – Ignacio Pérez Valero 1, Alfonso Cabello 2, Pablo Ryan 3, Sara De La Fuente Moral 4, Ignacio Santos 5, María 6, Alicia González 1, Miguel Gorgolas 2, Guillermo Cuevas 3, Alberto Diaz De Santiago 4, Joanna Cano 1, Guadalupe Rúa 7, María Yllescas 7, Juan Julián González García 1. -Open Forum Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 18;7(12): ofaa482. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa482. eCollection 2020 Dec

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Poster 683 – EVG/cobi/FTC/TAF en pacientes VIH-1 naïve con inmunosupresión severa: evolución del peso y los lípidos. – Javier Pérez Stachowski, David Rial Crestelo, Ana Moreno, Noemí Cabello, Pablo Ryan, Nuria Espinosa Aguilera, Otilia Bisbal, María Jesús Vivancos, María José Núñez, Jesús Troya, Adriana Pinto Martínez, Íñigo Sagastagoitia, Montserrat Domínguez Macías, Santiago Moreno, Julián Olalla – XXIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica virtual 5 al 11 de junio de 2021 CROI Málaga

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Poster 690 -Grado de satisfacción en pacientes tratados con EVG/cobi/FTC/TAF GENIS – GESIDA 9216) – J. Pérez Stachowski, D. Rial Crestelo, A. Moreno, N. Cabello, P. Ryan, N. Espinosa Aguilera, O. Bisbal, M.J. Vivancos, M.J. Núñez, J. Troya, A. Pinto Martínez, Í. Sagastagoitia, M. Domínguez Macías, S. Moreno, J. Olalla Sierra – XXIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica virtual 5 al 11 de junio de 2021 CROI Málaga

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Poster 696 – Uso de EVG/cobi//TAF/FTC en pacientes VIH-1 naïve con inmunosupresión severa. – Javier Pérez Stachowski, David Rial Crestelo, Ana Moreno, Noemí Cabello, Pablo Ryan, Nuria Espinosa Aguilera, Otilia Bisbal, María Jesús Vivancos, María José Núñez, Jesús Troya, Adriana Pinto Martínez, Íñigo Sagastagoitia, Montserrat Domínguez Macías, Santiago Moreno, Julián Olalla – XXIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica virtual 5 al 11 de junio de 2021 CROI Málaga

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Use of Tenofovir Alafenamide/Emtricitabine/ Elvitegravir‐Cobicistat in HIV‐Naive Patients with Advanced Disease: GENIS Study – Javier Pérez Stachowski, David Rial Crestelo, Ana Moreno Zamora, Noemi Cabello, Pablo Ryan, Nuria Espinosa Aguilera, Otilia Bisbal, María Jesús Vivancos Gallego, María José Núñez, Jesús Troya, Montserrat Domínguez and Julián Olalla Sierra – J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 4994.

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Poster PE 9/60 – Darunavir/cobicistat (DRV/c) Effectiveness in a Large Spanish Cohort: a Sex Analysis of the CODAR Study (GeSIDA 9316) M.J. Pérez Elías, S. Del Campo, C. Gómez Ayerbe, M.J. Galindo, L. Vilanova, L. J. García-Fraile Fraile, S. de La Fuente Moral, J. Garcia De Loma, F. Lozano, M.G. Mateo García, M. Tasias Pitatch, M. Diez Martinez, J. Rojas, A. Gonzalez-Cordon, D.M. Raya, M.A. Sepúlveda, D.J. Troya, B. Alejos, E. Ribera, E. Martínez, Codar Study Group – 16th European AIDS Conference October 25-27 2017, Milan, Italy.

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Poster THPEB057 Real-life Impact Of The Onset Of Darunavir/Cobicistat On Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate – M.J. Perez Elias1 , M.M. Gutierrez2 , M.J. Vivancos1 , A. Ocampo, 3 , L. Garcia Fraile, 4 , F. lozano, 5 , M. Montero, 6 , A. Payeras7 , V. Boix 8, M.J. Galindo9 , C. Gonzalez-Domenech10 , J. Sanz11 , S. de La Fuente Moral12 , J. Troya13 , M. Torralba14 , M.A. Sepulveda15 , E. Negredo16 , H. Knobel17 , E. Rivera18 , L. Carbonero19 , B. Alejos20 , E. Martinez21 , Codar Study Group – AIDS 2018

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Presentación Oral -PO THPEBO57 Real-life Impact Of The Onset Of Darunavir/Cobicistat On Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate.- M.J. Perez Elias1 , M.M. Gutierrez2 , M.J. Vivancos1 , A. Ocampo, 3 , L. Garcia Fraile, 4 , F. lozano, 5 , M. Montero, 6 , A. Payeras7 , V. Boix 8, M.J. Galindo9 , C. Gonzalez-Domenech10 , J. Sanz11 , S. de La Fuente Moral12 , J. Troya13 , M. Torralba14 , M.A. Sepulveda15 , E. Negredo16 , H. Knobel17 , E. Rivera18 , L. Carbonero19 , B. Alejos20 , E. Martinez21 , Codar Study Group.- Amsterdam – April 14th, 2019 ECCMID

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Factors associated with the number of drugs in darunavir/cobicistat regimens Esteban Martinez1 *, Eugenia Negredo2, Hernando Knobel3, Antonio Ocampo4, Jose Sanz5, Lucio Garcia-Fraile6, Luz Martin-Carbonero7, Fernando Lozano8, Carmen M. Gonzalez-Domenech9, Mar Gutierrez10, Marta Montero11, Vicente Boix12, Antoni Payeras13, Miguel Torralba14, Ana Gonzalez-Cordon1, Ana Moreno15, Belen Alejos16 and Maria J. Perez-Elias 15 on behalf of the GeSIDA 9316 CODAR Study Group. – J Antimicrob Chemother doi:10.1093/jac/dkz399

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Poster 2053 – DYNAMICS OF Cr-eGFR WITH ONE OR MORE ANTIRETROVIRALS THAT INHIBIT CR TUBULAR SECRETION- GeSIDA 9316. – Maria Jesus P. Elias1 , M.Mar Gutierrez2 , Manuel Crespo3 , Ignacio Santos4 , Esteban Ribera5 , Maria J. Galindo6 , Fernando Lozano7 , Antonio Payeras Cifre8 , Vicente Boix9 , Marta Montero10 , José Sanz11 , Javier De La Torre Lima12 , Jesus Santos13 , Sara de la Fuente Moral14 , Esteban Martínez, on behalf of the Codar Study Group. – CROI 2019

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Sexualized Drug Use (Chemsex) Is Associated with High-Risk Sexual Behaviors and Sexually Transmitted Infections in HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men: Data from the U-SEX GESIDA 9416 Study.- Alicia Gonza´lez-Baeza, PhD,1 Helen Dolengevich-Segal, MD,2 Ignacio Pe´rez-Valero, MD, PhD,1 Alfonso Cabello, MD,3 María Jesús Téllez, MD, PhD,4 José´ Sanz, MD, PhD,5 Leire Pérez-Latorre, MD, PhD,6 Jose´ Ignacio Bernardino, MD,1 Jesús Troya, MD,7 Sara De La Fuente, MD, PhD,8 Otilia Bisbal, MD,9 Ignacio Santos, MD, PhD,10 Sari Arponen, MD, PhD,11 Víctor Hontañón, MD,1 José´ Luis Casado, MD, PhD,12 and Pablo Ryan, MD, PhD,7,13 on Behalf of the U-SEX GESIDA 9416 Study. – AIDS PATIENT CARE and STDs Volume 32, Number 3, 2018 ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/apc.2017.0263

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PS2.01 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN GAY AND BISEXUAL MEN LIVING WITH HIV ENGAGED IN SEXUALIZED DRUG USE: PREVALENCE AND WARNING SIGNS – (GESIDA 9416) M M. Fernández Ollero, H Dolengevich-Segal, M Sánchez-Conde, A Cabello, I Pérez-Valero, J Vergas, J Sanz-Moreno, J Valencia, L García-Fraile, L Pérez-Latorre, J Curto, I Suarez-García, O Bisbal, I Terrancle, S De-La-Fuente, Je Losa, M Cervero, A Gimeno, T Guzmán, V Víctor-Palomares, T Fernandez, S Nistal, M Estébanez, R Mican, J.i Lazo8, E Valencia, J Perez-Bootello, J Naharro-Rodriguez, H Esteban, P Ryan, A González-Baeza. XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023 La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre

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eP.B2.043 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN GAY AND BISEXUAL MEN LIVING WITH HIV ENGAGED IN SEXUALIZED DRUG USE: PREVALENCE AND WARNING SIGNS – (GESIDA 9416) M M. Fernández Ollero, H Dolengevich-Segal, M Sanchez-Conde, A Cabello, I Pérez-Valero, J Vergas, J Sanz-Moreno, J Valencia, L García-Fraile, L Pérez-Latorre, J Curto, I Suarez-García, O Bisbal, I Terrancle, S De-La-Fuente, Je Losa, M Cervero, A Gimeno, T Guzmán, V Victor-Palomares, T Fernandez, S Nistal, M Estébanez, R Mican, J.i Lazo, E Valencia, J Perez-Bootello, J Naharro-Rodriguez, H Esteban, P Ryan, A González-Baeza. EACS 2023 Warsaw, Poland 18-21 de octubre

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Poster WEPEB099 – HCV Reinfection Following Effective All-oral DAA Therapy in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Individuals in Madrid-CoRe. – Juan Berenguer1*, Ángela Gil-Martin2, Inmaculada Jarrin3, Marisa Montes4, Lourdes Dominguez5, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría1, María J. Téllez6, Ignacio Santos7, Jesús Troya8, Juan E. Losa9, Regino Serrano10, María T. de Guzmán11, María J. Calvo2, Juan J. González-García4 – AIDS 2018

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Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of dual therapy with a boosted protease inhibitor plus lamivudine for maintenance of virological suppression. -Author(s): J.A. Perez-Molina, F. Pulido, S. Di Gianbenedetto, E. Ribera, S. Moreno, J. Zamora, C. Coscia, J.M. Gatell, A. De Luca, J.R. Arribas – 16th European AIDS Conference October 25-27 2017, Milan, Italy

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Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of dual therapy with a boosted PI plus lamivudine for maintenance of virological suppression: GeSIDA study 9717. – J A Pérez Molina 1, F Pulido 2, S Di Giambenedetto 3, E Ribera 4, S Moreno 1, J Zamora 5 6, C Coscia 5, B Alejos 7, J Pitch 8, J M Gatell 8, A De Luca 9, J R Arribas 10 – J Antimicrob Chemother. 2018 Nov 1;73(11):2927-2935.

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PE9/72 HIV-FUNCFRAIL study: Differences between women and men aging with HIV. M. Sánchez-Conde, M. Ramírez, MJ. Galindo, M. Torralba, P. Ryan, F. Dronda, I. Machuca, C. Busca, A. Antela, J. Vergas, MJ. Bustinduy, A. Cabello, F. Brañas EACS 2019 Basilea, Suiza 6-9 noviembre

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PO 26 Long-term pre-HAART survivors of HIV: a specific group with specific needs. F. Brañas, M. Ramírez, MJ. Galindo, M. Torralba, P. Ryan, F. Dronda, I. Machuca, C. Busca, A. Antela, J. Vergas, MJ. Bustinduy, A. Cabello, M. Sánchez-Conde International Workshop on HIV & Aging 2019 New York, EUA 10-11 octubre. PO Estudio HIV-FUNCFRAIL: Diferencias entre hombres y mujeres que envejecen con el VIH. M. Sánchez-Conde, M. Ramírez, MJ. Galindo, M. Torralba, P. Ryan, F. Dronda, I. Machuca, C. Busca, A. Antela, J. Vergas, MJ. Bustinduy, A. Cabello, F. Brañas. XI Congreso Nacional de GeSIDA 2019. Toledo 10-13 de diciembre. PO Los supervivientes del VIH: un grupo específico con necesidades especiales F. Brañas, M. Ramírez, MJ. Galindo, M. Torralba, P. Ryan, F. Dronda, I. Machuca, C. Busca, A. Antela, J. Vergas, MJ. Bustinduy, A. Cabello, M. Sánchez-Conde Congreso Nacional de GeSIDA 2019. Toledo 10-13 de diciembre.

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PO PEB0216 Older adults with HIV are not all the same. Data from the HIV-FUNCFRAIL cohort. F. Branas, A. Antela, M. Torralba, J. Vergas, M.J. Galindo, P. Ryan, F. Dronda, M. Ramírez, C. Busca, I. Machuca, M.J. Bustinduy, A. Cabello, M. Sánchez-Conde. IAS 2020 San Francisco, USA. On-line 6-10 julio.

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PO- 2218 THE FUNCFRAIL SCORE TO DISCRIMINATE FRAILTY IN OLDER ADULTS WITH HIV Matilde Sánchez-Conde, Antonio Antela, Jorge Vergas, Margarita Ramírez, Pablo Ryan, Fernando Dronda, Maria José Galindo, Miguel Torralba, Ma Jesús Bustinduy, Alfonso Cabello Úbeda, Carmen Busca, Arenzana, Isabel Machuca, FATIMA BRAÑAS CROI 2021 6-10 de marzo (ONLINE).

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POE3/16 Long-term HIV survivors and adults 65 or over with HIV: two separate profiles with different needs. F. Brañas, M.J. Galindo, M. Torralba, A. Antela, J. Vergas, M. Ramírez, P. Ryan, F. Dronda, C. Busca, I. Machuca, M.J. Bustinduy, A. Cabello, M. Sánchez-Conde, FUNCFRAIL Study Group EACS 2021, London UK 27-30 octubre.

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Different profiles among older adults with HIV according to their chronological age and the year of HIV diagnosis: The FUNCFRAIL cohort study (GeSIDA 9817) – Fatima Brañas, Mª Jose´ Galindo, Miguel Torralba, Antonio Antela, Jorge Vergas, Margarita Ramirez, Pablo Ryan, Fernando Dronda, Carmen Busca, Isabel Machuca, Mª Jesus Bustinduy, Alfonso Cabello, Matilde Sanchez-Conde, on behalf of the FUNCFRAIL study group – PLoS ONE 17(3): e0266191 March 30, 2022

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Effects of frailty, geriatric syndromes, and comorbidity on mortality and quality of life in older adults with HIV – Fátima Brañas, Miguel Torralba, Antonio Antela, Jorge Vergas, Margarita Ramírez, Pablo Ryan, Fernando Dronda, María José Galindo, Isabel Machuca, María Jesús Bustinduy, Alfonso Cabello, María Luisa Montes, Matilde Sánchez Conde and FUNCFRAIL study group – BMC Geriatr. 2023 Jan 3;23(1):4 doi: 10.1186/s12877-022-03719-8

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eP.B2.043. EACS FUNCFRAIL: NEW RISK FACTORS FOR FRAGILITY FRACTURES MUST BE CONSIDERED IN OLDER ADULTS WITH HIV Fátima Brañas, Jorge Vergas, Margarita Ramírez, Pablo Ryan, Fernando Dronda, Mª José Galindo, Miguel Torralba, Antonio Antela, Alfonso Cabello, María Luisa Montes, Isabel Machuca, Mª Jesús Bustinduy, Matilde Sánchez-Conde EACS 2023 18-21 octubre.

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Presentación Oral REVERSIBILITY OF SLEEP DISTURBANCES AFTER SWITCHING FROM DTG/3TC/ABC TO DRV/C/FTC/TAF – Ignacio Perez-Valero1, Sara De La Fuente2, Rafael Mican1, María Novella Mena3, Miguel Górgolas4, Jesús Troya5, María Lagarde6, Alberto Diaz De Santiago2, Carmen Busca1, Pablo Ryan7, Beatriz Alvarez4, Cristina Hernández Gutierrez8, Adriana Pinto-Martinez6, Alfonso Cabello Ibeda4 – CROI 2021.

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Reversibility of sleep disturbances after switching from DTG/3TC/ABC TO DRV/C/FTC/TAF – Pérez-V-alero, I.; De La Fuente, S.; Mican, R.; Mena, M. N.; Górgolas, M.; Troya, J.; Lagarde, M.; De Santiago, A. D.; Busca, C.; Ryan, P.; Álvarez, B.; Gutiérrez, C. H.; Pinto-Martínez, A.; Úbeda, A. C. – Topics in Antiviral Medicine; 29(1):117-118, 2021.

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Poster 339 Reversibility of sleep disturbances after switching from DTG/3TC/ABC TO DRV/C/FTC/TAF – Ignacio Pérez-Valero, Sara De La Fuente, Rafael Mican, María Novella Mena, Miguel Górgolas, Jesús Troya, María Lagarde, Alberto Diaz De Santiago, Carmen Busca, Pablo Ryan, Beatriz Álvarez, Cristina Hernández Gutiérrez, Adriana Pinto-Martínez, Alfonso Cabello Úbeda, for the GESIDA 10418 – Detox Study Group – CROI 2021 6-10 de marzo (ONLINE)

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Changes in Quality of Sleep, Mood, and Other Neuropsychiatric Symptoms After Switching Dolutegravir/ Lamivudine/Abacavir to Darunavir/Cobicistat/ Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide in a Randomized Study of People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus With Poor Sleep Quality: GESIDA 10418 Alfonso Cabello-Úbeda, Alicia González Baeza, Jesús Troya García, Sara de La Fuente Moral, María Novella Mena, Adriana Pinto Martínez, Rafael Micán, Miguel Górgolas, Guillermo Cuevas Tascón, Alberto Díaz de Santiago, José Sanz Moreno, David Rial Crestelo, Carmen Busca Arenzana, José Ignacio Bernardino Serna, Mariana Díaz Almirón, Joanna Cano, Herminia Esteban, and Ignacio Pérez-Valero – Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2022, ofac345

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Estudio GESIDA 11119. Eficacia y seguridad de dolutegravir + rilpivirina en la práctica clínica habitual. Estudio DORIPLA – Rosario Palacios Muñoz – Ugc E. Infecciosas Hospital Virgen De La Victoria Málaga. GESIDA 2020

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Presentación Oral PO16 – Eficacia de DTG/RPV en la práctica clínica habitual. Estudio DORIPLA (Estudio GeSIDA 1119) R. Palacios1, C. Gómez-Ayerbe1, JL. Casado2, F. Tejerina3, M. Montes4, M. Castaño5, A. Ocampo6, D. Rial7, E Ribera8, MJ Galindo9, C. Hidalgo10, C. Fariñas11, M. Montero12, A. Payeras13, M. Riera14, J de la Torre15, J. Santos1 CROI, Málaga 2021

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Efficacy and safety of dolutegravir/rilpivirine in real-world clinical practice. GeSIDA study 1119- R Palacios, C Gómez-Ayerbe 1, J L Casado , F Tejerina , M L Montes4, M Castaño, A Ocampo , D Rial, E Ribera, M J Galindo, C Hidalgo, C Fariñas, M Montero, T Payeras, F Fanjul, J de la Torre , J Santos – HIV Med 2023 Apr 4. doi: 10.1111

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Poster 646 Medium-Term Effects of DAA Therapy on HVPG in Patients With HCV-associated Cirrhosis – Cristina Díez1, Juan Berenguer1*, Luis Ibañez1, Elba Llop2, Leire Pérez-Latorre1, María V Catalina1, Víctor Hontañón3, Diego Rincón1, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría1, Javier Martínez4, José M Bellón1, José Luis Calleja2, Agustín Albillos4, Juan González-García3, Rafael Bañares1- CROI 2018 Boston

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Poster P008 Comparison of the efficacy of current antiretroviral regimens in patients with CD4 cell counts <200 vs ≥200/μL or viral load >100.000 vs ≤100.000 copies/mL. systematic review with meta-analysis. GeSIDA 11520 Study – Jose A. Pérez-Molina, Clara Crespillo Andújar, Javier Zamora, Borja M. Fernández-Felix, Andrea Gaetano-Gil, Juan Carlos López Bernaldo de Quirós, Sergio Serrano-Villar, Santiago Moreno, Juan Berenguer – XIII Congreso Nacional de Gesida Sitges 27-30 noviembre 2022

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Poster P050 Comparison of the efficacy of current antiretroviral regimens in patients with CD4 cell counts <200 vs ≥200/μL or viral load >100.000 vs ≤100.000 copies/mL. systematic review with meta-analysis. GeSIDA 11520 Study – Jose A. Pérez-Molina, Clara Crespillo Andújar, Javier Zamora, Borja M. Fernández-Felix, Andrea Gaetano-Gil, Juan Carlos López Bernaldo de Quirós, Sergio Serrano-Villar, Santiago Moreno, Juan Berenguer – HIV Glasgow 2022 23-26 octubre 2022

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Contribution of low CD4 cell counts and high HIV viral load to the efficacy of preferred first-line antiretroviral regimens for treating HIV infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis – Jose A Pérez Molina, Clara Crespillo-Andújar , Javier Zamora, Borja M Fernández-Félix , Andrea Gaetano-Gil, Juan C López-Bernaldo de Quirós, Sergio Serrano-Villar, Santiago Moreno, Noelia Álvarez-Díaz, Juan Berenguer – Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Mar 28;ciad177

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Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain – Juan Berenguer, Pablo Ryan, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, Inmaculada Jarrín, Jordi Carratalà, Jerónimo Pachón, María Yllescas, José Ramón Arriba, COVID-19@Spain Study Group; – Clin Microbiol Infect. 2020 Nov; 26(11):1525-1536. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.07.024. Epub 2020 Aug 4.

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Characteristics and Predictors of Death among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 in Spain – Juan Berenguer1, Pablo Ryan2, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño3, Inmaculada Jarrín4, Jordi Carratalà5, Jerónimo Pachón6, María Yllescas7, José R Arribas8, and the The COVID-19@Spain Study Group. – COVID-19 Conference febrero 2021 – Clin Microbiol Infect. 2020. PMID: 32758659

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Development and validation of a prediction model for 30-day mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19: the COVID-19 SEIMC score – Juan Berenguer 1, Alberto M Borobia 2, Pablo Ryan 3, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño 4, José M Bellón 5, Inmaculada Jarrín 6, Jordi Carratalà 7, Jerónimo Pachón 8, Antonio J Carcas 2, María Yllescas 9, José R Arribas 10, COVID-19@Spain and COVID@HULP Study Groups – Thorax. 2021 Sep;76(9):920-929. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-216001. Epub 2021 Feb 25.

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Identification and validation of clinical phenotypes with prognostic implications in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19: a multicentre cohort study – Belén Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, María Dolores del Toro, Alberto M Borobia, Antonio Carcas, Inmaculada Jarrín, María Yllescas, Pablo Ryan, Jerónimo Pachón, Jordi Carratalà, Juan Berenguer, Jose Ramón Arribas, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, on behalf of the REIPI-SEIMC COVID-19 group and COVID@HULP groups* – Lancet Infect Dis 2021; 21: 783–92

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Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAMCOVID-19) Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, Jerónimo Pachón, Jordi Carratala, Pablo Ryan, Inmaculada Jarrín, María Yllescas, José Ramon Arribas, Juan Berenguer, the SAM-COVID Study Group Clin Microbiol Infect 2021 Feb;27(2):244-252 doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.08.010. Epub 2020 Aug 27.

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Impact of early interferon-β treatment on the prognosis of patients with COVID-19 in the first wave: A post hoc analysis from a multicenter cohort Sonsoles Salto-Alejandre, Zaira R. Palacios-Baena, Jose Ramon Arribas, Juan Berenguer, Jordi Carratala, Inmaculada Jarrín, Pablo Ryan, Marta de Miguel-Montero, Jesús Rodríguez-Bano, Jeronimo Pachon, for the COVID-19@Spain Study Group Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 146 (2022) 112572

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PO 460 TDF/FTC FOR HIGH-RISK PATIENTS WITH COVID-19: THE PANCOVIDRANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL María Velasco, Rocío Montejano2, Gonzalo Sierra, Javier Queiruga, Patricia Martínez, Ane Goikoetxea, Angela Gutiérrez, Miguel Torralba, Pablo Ryan, Pilar Vizcarra8, Sofia Ibarra9, María Jimenez-Gonzalez, Javier Marcos, José R. Arribas CROI 2022 Denver, Colorado USA 12-16 febrero.

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PO 463 BARICITINIB FOR HIGH-RISK PATIENTS WITH COVID-19: THE PANCOVID RANDOMIZED TRIAL Alberto Borobia, Fernando de la Calle, Carlos Guijarro, Patricia González-Ruano, Marta Ibarrola, Marianela Ciudad, Ana Diaz-Brasero, Antonio de Pablo, Cristina Marcelo, Cristina Diez, Esperanza Merino, Vicente Estrada, María Novella Mena, José R. Arribas CROI 2022 Denver, Colorado USA 12-16 febrero.

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Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate/Emtricitabine and Baricitinib for Patients at High Risk of Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019: The PANCOVID Randomized Clinical Trial – Rocío Montejano, Fernando de la Calle-Prieto, María Velasco, Carlos Guijarro, Javier Queiruga-Parada, María Jiménez-González, Patricia González-Ruano, Patricia Martínez, Ane Josune Goikoetxea, Marta Ibarrola, Marianela Ciudad, Ángela Gutiérrez, Miguel Torralba,9 Ana Díaz-Brasero, Pablo Ryan,, Cristina Marcelo,, Cristina Díez, Sofía Ibarra, Esperanza Merino, Vicente Estrada, Javier Marcos, María Novella, María A. Rivera, Manuel Ruiz-Muñoz6 Marta de Miguel, Llanos Soler, Mikel del Álamo, Santiago Moreno, Antonio J. Carcas, Alberto M. Borobia, José R. Arribas, ; and for the PANCOVID Study Group – Clinical Infectious Diseases Volume 76, Issue 3, 1 February 2023, Pages e116–e125

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Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAMCOVID-19) – Jesús Rodríguez-Bano , Jeronimo Pachon , Jordi Carratala, Pablo Ryan, Inmaculada Jarrín , María Yllescas, José Ramon Arribas, Juan Berenguer, the SAM-COVID Study Group – Clinical Microbiology and Infection Published: August 26, Clin Microbiol Infect. 2021. PMID: 32860964

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Identification and validation of clinical phenotypes with prognostic implications in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19: a multicentre cohort study – Belén Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez 1, María Dolores Del Toro 1, Alberto M Borobia 2, Antonio Carcas 2, Inmaculada Jarrín 3, María Yllescas 4, Pablo Ryan 5, Jerónimo Pachón 6, Jordi Carratalà 7, Juan Berenguer 8, José Ramón Arribas 9, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño 10, REIPI-SEIMC COVID-19 group and COVID@HULP groups – Lancet Infect Dis. 2021 Jun;21(6):783-792.

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Poster 02666 – Early Administration of Remdesivir is Associated with Lower Risk of ICU Admission in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 – Rodrigo ALONSO1, Juan BERENGUER2, Margarita RAMÍREZ2 , Mar MASIÁ3 , Rosa MARTÍNEZ4 , Rocío MONTEJANO5 , Miguel SALAVERT6 , Enrique BERNAL7 , Francisco FANJUL8 , Juan FLORES9 , Verónica RICO1 , Isabel GUTIÉRREZ2 , Álex SORIANO1 – 32nd ECCMID Lisbon, 23-26 April 2022

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Time from symptoms onset to remdesivir is associated with the risk of ICU admission: a multicentric analyse. Rodrigo ALONSO-NAVARRO, Margarita RAMÍREZ, Mar MASIÁ, Roger PAREDES, Rocío MONTEJANO, Marina POVAR-ECHEVERRIA, Jordi CARRATALÀ, Miguel SALAVERT, Enrique BERNAL, Carlos DUEÑAS, Juan FLORES, Francisco FANJUL, Isabel GUTIÉRREZ, Verónica RICO, Lourdes Mateu, Julen CADIÑANOS, Juan BERENGUER, Alex SORIANO – BMC Infectious Diseases (2023) 23:286

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Seguimiento prospectivo de los pacientes con hepatopatía crónica VHC genotipo 1 y 3 con respuesta viral sostenida a los antivirales de acción directa, coinfectados y no coinfectados por el VIH. Estudio AFTER-DAAT (GESIDA 10218). Pérez L, Complejo universitario del Ferrol, Hospital La Paz, H. Reina Sofía de Murcia, H. Costa del Sol, H. Donostia, H. Álvaro Cunqueiro, H. Reina Sofía de Córdoba, Manzanares E, del Miguel M, Rivero A, Blanco JR CONGRESO SEIMC 2024 Zaragoza.

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ID1406 Predictors of Liver-Related Events Following DAA HCV Cure in PWH With Advanced Fibrosis/Cirrhosis Berenguer, J CROI 2024 Denver, Colorado USA 3-6 marzo.

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Clinical Outomes and Progncostic Factors after HCV Clearance with DAA in HIV/HCV Coinfected Patients with Advanced Fibrosis/Cirrhosis HEP-10.1097/ HEP.0000000000000838 DOI:10.1097/HEP.0000000000000838 Juan Berenguer, Teresa Aldámiz-Echevarría, Víctor Hontañón, Chiara Fanciulli, Carmen Quereda, Carmen Busca, Lourdes Domínguez, Cristina Hernández, Jorge Verga, Gabriel Gaspar, Lucio J García-Fraile, Cristina Díez, Marta De Miguel, José M Bellón, Rafael Bañares, Juan González-García.

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ID 3136 Impact of Switching from Dual to Triple Therapy on Inflammation: INSTINCT Study Martín-Pedraza, L CROI 2024 Denver, Colorado USA 3-6 marzo.

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PT-01 Baseline factors associated with insulin resistance in virologically suppressed people with HIV participating in PASO-DOBLE (GeSIDA 11720) randomized clinical trial – P. Ryan , J.L. Blanco , M. Masía , L. Garcia-Fraile, M.j. Crusells , P. Domingo, A. Curran , R Guerri , E. Bernal, J. Bravo , B. Revollo, J. Macias, J.M. Tiraboschi, R. Montejano, C. Amador, M. Torralba, M.D. Merino, V. Diaz-Brito, M.J. Galindo , S. Ferra, A. Villoslada, J.E. Losa, F.J. Fanjul , X. Pérez , J. Peraire , J. Portilla , A.M. Camon, S. De La Fuente, C. Dueñas, M.J. Vázquez, E. Manzanares, P. Gil, M. De Miguel, B. Alejos, E. Martínez, for Paso-Doble (GeSIDA 11720) Randomized Trial Team XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023 La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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eP.A.097 Virologic Outcomes of Lamivudine/Dolutegravir in Virologically suppressed persons with expected or confirmed resistance to Lamivudine R. De Miguel, M. De Lagarde, J.L. Blanco, A. Pinto-Martinez, R. Montejano, A. Gutiérrez Liarte, R. Navarro-Soler, E. Cañas-Ruano, A. Inciarte, L. Martin-Carbonero, A. Imaz , C. EACS 2023 Warsaw, Poland 18-21octubre.

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CO-01 Virologic Outcomes of Lamivudine/Dolutegravir in Virologically suppressed persons with Expected or confirmed Resistance to Lamivudine Rosa de Miguel Buckley, Juan Martin-Torres, José Luis Blanco Arévalo, Luz Martín-Carbonero, Angela Gutiérrez Liarte, Esperanza Cañas-Ruano, Laura Bermejo-Plaza, Félix Gutiérrez Rodero, Alfonso Cabello Úbeda, Miguel Cervero Jiménez, Leire Pérez Latorre, Jesús Troya García, Jesús Santos González, Ignacio Álvarez Rodríguez, María Jiménez González, Pedro Gil14, Rafael Delgado, José Ramón Arribas, Federico Pulido XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023 La Coruña, 26-29 noviembre.

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ID 1908 Impact of Archived Minority Populations with M184V/I on DTG/3TC for Maintenance of Viral Suppression De Miguel Buckley, Rosa CROI 2024 Denver, Colorado USA 3-6 marzo.

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Po-077 PREVALENCIA DE LA SOLEDAD Y DEL AISLAMIENTO SOCIAL EN PERSONAS QUE VIVEN CON EL VIH MAYORES DE 50 AÑOS. NADIE-SOLO-GESIDA 12021. José-Ramón Blanco, Alicia González-Baeza, Ana Martínez-Vicente, Helena Albendi-Iglesias, Javier De La Torre, Inma Jarrín, Inmaculada González-Cuello, Noemí Cabello-Clotet, Ana-María Barrios-Blandino, Isabel Sanjoaquin-Conde, Mª-Luisa Montes-Ramírez, Estrella Melus , Verónica Pérez-Esquerdo, Cristina Tomas-Jiménez, María Saumoy-Linares, Ana-Mª Lopez-Lirola, Carmen Hidalgo-Tenorio, Magdalena Muelas-Fernández, Mª-José Galindo-Puerto, Mª-Del-Carmen Rebollo-Nájera, Eduardo Manzanares, Cristina Segundo-Martin, Mª-Angeles Fernández-López, María Barrios-Vega, Marta De Miguel, Julián Olalla XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023 La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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eP.B2.103 Current patterns of unprotected sex, drug use, and prevalence of STIs among MSM on HIV care or taking PrEP in the region of Madrid – Pablo Ryan, Luis Ramos-Ruperto, Luz Martín-Carbonero, Oscar Ayerdi, José María Bellón, Ainhoa Aranguren, Salvador Resino, Ignacio De Los Santos-Gil, Eva Orviz, José Sanz-Moreno, María Lagarde, Santos Del Campo, Beatriz Álvarez, Mar Vera , Pilar Ruiz Seco, Miguel Cervero, Jorge Del Romero, Chiara Fanciulli, Ángela Gutiérrez, Laura Bermejo-Plaza, Belén Alejos , Carmen Busca, Carmen Rodríguez, Lucio García Fraile, María Jesús Vivancos, Rafael Micán, Herminia Esteban, Reynaldo Homen, Laura Prieto, Carlos Oliva, Ángela Gil-Martín, Roser Navarro-Soler, Camila Fredes, Juan Carlos López, Juan González, Juan Berenguer EACS 2023 Warsaw, Poland 18-21 de octubre.

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PS2.O2. PO Addressing the complex interplay between mental health, substance use, and sexual behavior among MSM in HIV care – Luis Ramos Ruperto, Pablo Ryan, Luz Martín-Carbonero, Oscar Ayerdi , José María Bellon , Salvador Resino, Ainhoa Aranguren , Ignacio De Los Santos-Gil, Eva Orviz , José Sanz-Moreno, María Lagarde, Santos Del Campo, Beatriz Álvarez Mar Vera, Pilar Ruiz-Seco, Miguel Cervero , Jorge Del Romero, Chiara Fanciulli , Ángela Gutiérrez, Mireia Santacreu- Guerrero, Belén Alejos, Carmen Busca, Carmen Rodríguez, Lucio García-Fraile, María Jesús Vivancos, Rafael Micán Herminia Esteban, Reynaldo Homen, Laura Prieto, Carlos Oliva, Ángela Gil-Martín, Marianela Ciudad, Alicia González-Baeza, Adriana Pinto-Martínez, Carlos Parro-Torres, Camila Fredes , Juan Carlos López, Juan González, Juan Berenguer EACS 2023 Warsaw, Poland 18-21 de octubre.

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P-084 Addressing the complex interplay between mental health, substance use, and sexual behavior among MSM in HIV care Luis Ramos Ruperto, Pablo Ryan, Luz Martín-Carbonero, Oscar Ayerdi, José María Bellon, Salvador Resino, Ainhoa Aranguren, Ignacio De Los Santos-Gil, Eva Orviz, José Sanz-Moreno, María Lagarde, Santos Del Campo, Beatriz Alvárez, Mar Vera, Pilar Ruiz-Seco, Miguel Cervero, Jorge Del Romero, Chiara Fanciulli , Ángela Gutiérrez, Mireia Santacreu- Guerrero, Belén Alejos, Carmen Busca, Carmen Rodríguez, Lucio García-Fraile, María Jesús Vivancos, Rafael Micán , Herminia Esteban, Reynaldo Homen, Laura Prieto, Carlos Oliva, Ángela Gil-Martín, Marianela Ciudad, Alicia González- Baeza, Adriana Pinto-Martínez, Carlos Parro-Torres, Camila Fredes, Juan Carlos López, Juan González, Juan Berenguer XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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P- 093 Current patterns of unprotected sex, drug use, and prevalence of STIs among MSM on HIV care or taking PrEP in the region of Madrid P. RYAN , L. RAMOS-RUPERTO , L. MARTIN-CARBONERO , O. AYERDI , J.M. BELLON , A. ARANGUREN , S. RESINO , I. DE LOS SANTOS GIL , E. ORVIZ , J. SANZ-MORENO , M. LAGARDE , S. DEL CAMPO , B. ALVAREZ , M. VERA , P. RUIZ-SECO , M. CERVERO , J. DEL ROMERO , C. FANCIULLI , Á. GUTIERREZ , L. BERMEJO-PLAZA , B. ALEJOS , C. BUSCA , C. RODRIGUEZ , L. GARCIA FRAILE , M.J. VIVANCOS , R. MICAN , H. ESTEBAN , R. HOMEN, L. PRIETO , C. OLIVA , Á. GIL MARTIN , M. CIUDAD , R. NAVARRO-SOLER , C.A. FREDES , J.C. LOPEZ , J. GONZALEZ , J. BERENGUER, ATHENS Study Group XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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P-022 MODELO SIMPLIFICADO DE ACCESO Y RETENCIÓN DE CUIDADOS DE PERSONAS VIH+ CON ALTO RIESGO DE EXCLUSIÓN SOCIAL. ANÁLISIS DE LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS BASALES: ENSAYO SIMPLIFIED (GESIDA 12221) Jorge Valencia, Guillermo Cuevas, Mariano Matarranz, Pedro Torres, Laura Laguna, Antonio Rodríguez, Ignacio Lazo, Carlos Oliva, Marta de Miguel, Pablo Ryan XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023 La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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P-023 Modelo simplificado de acceso y retención en personas VIH+ con alto riesgo de exclusión social. Calidad de vida, aceptabilidad y satisfacción Ensayo SIMPLIFIED (GESIDA 12221) Pablo Ryan, Guillermo Cuevas, Mariano Matarranz, Carlos Oliva, Marta De Miguel, Antonio Rodríguez, Pedro Torres, XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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P-025-Modelo simplificado de acceso y retención de cuidados de personas con VIH con alto riesgo de exclusión social. Análisis de las características basales Ensayo SIMPLIFIED (GESIDA 12221) – Jorge Valencia, Guillermo Cuevas, Pedro Torres, Mariano Matarranz, Laura Laguna, Antonio Rodríguez, Carlos Oliva, Marta De Miguel, Pablo Ryan XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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eP.B2.070 Validation of a mobile health app as a health-related quality of life assessment instrument for people living with HIV. GESIDA 12321 J. Cano Smith1, A. Delgado-Hierro, E. Valencia, L. Ramos C. Busca, R. Mican, L. Martin-Carbonero, M.L. Montes, R. De Miguel, R. Montejano, V. Moreno, F. Pérez-Sádaba, C. Pérez-Rambla, R. Molina, J. González-García, J.I Bernardino EACS 2023 Warsaw, Poland 18-21 de octubre.

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eP.C1.036 Usability of a mobile health app aimed at people living with HIV to prepare for the next physician’s visit. GESIDA 12321 J. Cano Smith, A. Delgado-Hierro, E. Valencia, L. Ramos, C. Busca, R. Mican, L. Martin-Carbonero, M.L. Montes, R. De Miguel, R. Montejano, V. Moreno, F. Pérez-Sádaba, C. Pérez-Rambla, R. Molina, J. González-García, J.I Bernardino EACS 2023 Warsaw, Poland 18-21 de octubre.

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P-080 Usabilidad de una aplicación móvil dirigida a personas con VIH para prepararse la próxima consulta médica J. Cano Smith, A. Delgado-Hierro, E. Valencia, L. Ramos, C. Busca, R. Mican, L. Martin-Carbonero, M.L. Montes, R. De Miguel, R. Montejano, V. Moreno, F. Pérez-Sádaba, C. Pérez-Rambla, R. Molina, J. González-García, J.I Bernardino XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023 La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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P-081 Validación de herramienta digital para recogida de resultados reportados por los pacientes (PROs) en personas con VIH: “Prepara tu consulta. Joanna Cano Smith, Ana Delgado-Hierro, Eulalia Valencia, Luis Ramos, Carmen Busca, Rafael Mican, María Luisa Montes, Luz Martin-Carbonero, María Del Mar Arcos, Rosa de Miguel, Rocío Montejano, Fj Pérez-Sádaba, Clara Pérez-Rambla, Eduardo Manzanares, Marta de Miguel, Juan González-García, José I. Bernardino XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023 La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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P-082 Evaluación de la aplicación móvil “prepara tu consulta” para medir la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud e personas con VIH Joanna Cano-Smith, Ana Delgado-Hierro, Eulalia Valencia, Luis Ramos, Carmen Busca, Rafael Mican, Luz Martin-Carbonero, María Luisa Montes, María Del Mar Arcos, Rosa de Miguel, Rocío Montejano, F.j. Pérez-Sádaba, Clara Pérez-Rambla, Eduardo Manzanares, Marta de Miguel, Juan González-García, José I. Bernardino XIV Congreso Nacional de GESIDA 2023La Coruña, del 26-29 noviembre.

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PO P20.- Usabilidad de una aplicación móvil dirigida a personas con VIH para prepararse la próxima consulta médica J. Cano Smith, A. Delgado-Hierro, E. Valencia, L. Ramos, C. Busca, R. Mican, L. Martin-Carbonero, M.L. Montes, R. De Miguel, R. Montejano, V. Moreno, F. Pérez-Sádaba, C. Pérez-Rambla, R. Molina, J. González-García, J.I Bernardino XXI Congreso Nacional sobre el Sida e ITS de SEISIDA 2024. Toledo 9 y 10 de mayo.

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CO – CO4.1., Validación de herramienta digital para recogida de resultados reportados por los pacientes (PROs) en personas con VIH: “Prepara tu consulta. Joanna Cano Smith, Ana Delgado-Hierro, Eulalia Valencia, Luis Ramos, Carmen Busca, Rafael Mican, María Luisa Montes, Luz Martin-Carbonero, María Del Mar Arcos, Rosa de Miguel, Rocío Montejano, Fj Pérez-Sádaba, Clara Pérez-Rambla, Eduardo Manzanares, Marta de Miguel, Juan González-García, José I. Bernardino XXI Congreso Nacional sobre el Sida e ITS de SEISIDA 2024. Toledo 9 y 10 de mayo.

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CO Clinical and epidemiological profile of the 2022 Mpox outbreak in Spain Germán Ramírez-Olivencia, María Velasco, María del Mar Vera García, Jordi Casabona, Miguel J. Martínez and Francisco Javier Membrillo de Novales on behalf of CEME-22 STUDY GROUP Congreso de ECCMID 2023.

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PO843 Estudio multicéntrico nacional sobre los determinantes de ingreso hospitalario en pacientes con enfermedad por Mpox Germán Ramírez-Olivencia, María del Mar Vera García, María Velasco, Jordi Casabona, Miguel J. Martínez Eva Orviz García , Alfonso Cabello Úbeda, Patricia Muñoz, Patricia Álvarez López, José Ignacio Bernardino De La Serna, Inés Pérez Camacho, Joaquín López-Contreras González, Ángela Gutiérrez Liarte, Pablo Ryan, Gemma Jiménez Guerra, María Jesús Vivancos Gallego, Mikel Joseba Urrutikoetxea Gutiérrez, María Araceli Hernández Betancor, Eduardo Lagarejos González, Alejandro Muñoz Serrano, José Antonio Lepe Jiménez, Andrés Ruiz Sancho, Julia Alcoba Flórez, Álvaro Mena De Cea, Miguel Nicolás Navarrete Lorite, Anais Corma-Gómez, Dolores Ocete Mochón, María Simón Sacristán, Oriol Martín Segarra, Antonio Rivero Román, Elisabet Delgado Sánchez, Diego Torrús Tendero, Beatriz Valle Borrego, Sara Luisa Sanbonmatsu Gámez, Eva Van Den Eynde, Alexandre Pérez González, Francisca Artigues Serra, Patricia González-Ruano Pérez, Desirée Victoria Gerez Neira, Concha Amador-Prous, Harkaitz Azkune Galparsoro, Laura Mao Martin, Dácil García Rosado, Oscar Martínez Expósito, Guillermo Soria Fernández-Llamazares, María Blanco Soto, Miguel Ángel Morán Rodríguez, María Mercedes Treviño Castellano, María Del Mar Masiá, Antonia María Castillo Navarro, María-Antonia Sepúlveda Berrocal, Leticia Sánchez Gómez, Aldara Vallejo Alonso, Elisa Álvarez Artero, Mª. Carmen Sáez Barberá, Enrique Bernal Morell, Oskar Ayerdi, Begoña Baza, Aws W Al- Hayani, Cristina Veintimilla, Paola Vidovic-Mendoza, Marta Mora Rillo and Francisco Javier Membrillo de Novales on behalf of CEME-22 STUDY GROUP Congreso de SEIMC 2023 Santiago de Compostela, 1-3 junio.

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Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the 2022 Mpox outbreak in Spain (the CEME-22 study) G. Ramírez-Olivencia, M. Velasco Arribas, M.M. Vera García, J. Casabona, M.M. Martínez, and F.J. Membrillo De Novales on behalf of the CEME-22 Study Group Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2024 DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae105.

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Hospitalization determinants in patients with Mpox disease: The CEME-22 Project G. Ramírez Olivencia, M.M. Vera García, M. Velasco Arribas, J. Casabona, M.J. Martínez, F.J. Membrillo De Novales Heliyon 10 (2024) e30564

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