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Responsibilities of the Coordinator

1) Decisions on the scope of the study.

2) Cooperation with the Foundation in periodically informing the participating investigators of the progress of the study and of all scientific documents generated.

3) Submission to the Foundation of drafts of those manuscripts that are to be sent for publication. When possible, the Foundation should also have access to abstracts sent to scientific meetings.

4) Presentation to the Foundation of the original documents of draft manuscripts so that they can be made available to any member who requests them.
** In those studies where the Foundation has a relatively active participation and/or acts as sponsor, the Foundation will distribute them among the investigators and inform the Coordinator-Sponsor of the progress of the study and of any reports and publications of studies whose statistical analysis and drafting are undertaken by the Foundation.

5) To reach a consensus with the Foundation on the policy for authorship and publication before the study begins.

6) 6. If a study is carried out within one of the SEIMC Study Groups, SEIMC Study Group X (GE-X) will figure after the authors’ names. Participating members and hospitals that are not considered authors will appear in an appendix.

The Coordinator will co-manage the study with the Foundation. The Coordinator will provide scientific assessment and take decisions on the protocol and performance of the study when requested. The Coordinator will be available to address issues related to the study (i.e. personal consultations from investigators at the participating sites, supervision of replies to requests for clarification from ethics committees, signatures) and negotiate the budget with the funding body.